
the warrior diet

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Sugar and carbs are the two biggest culprits.

Cut them out of your diet and you will lose weight guaranteed.

Also swim in cold water,will shrink your balls if ya have em but colds and flus become a thing of the past.

And you burn so much energy trying to maintain satsis you cant be fat.

In fact here in southern victoria Australia during winter the water temp is about 12c so its big serves of butter and full fat everything in my home.

Dont talk to me about cholesterol its all bullshit.

ps I think the warrior diet is perfect if hunting and killing is your aim.


Yes, fat consumption was higher in western society a hundred years ago apparently. Not much in the way of modern lifestyle diseases then...


One doesn't have to just eat meat to use the ideas behind the Warrior Diet. Beans a cheese were also staples of the Romans. I prefer Beans, eggs, cheese to eating a lot of meat.





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Yes, fat consumption was higher in western society a hundred years ago apparently. Not much in the way of modern lifestyle diseases then...


One doesn't have to just eat meat to use the ideas behind the Warrior Diet. Beans a cheese were also staples of the Romans. I prefer Beans, eggs, cheese to eating a lot of meat.





I agree beans ,cheese especially soft cheese like double thick brie(if you do eat sugar have some soft cheese afterwards the lactoferrins will stop that nasty sugar from unleashing free iron into your temple.

Eggs good quality happy free range eggs from happy chickens who are allowed to do what the godess intended chickens to do are magic bullets.They are the perfect protein shot which is easy for your temple to assimalte. Full of wonderful lethicin which enhances your mylein sheath so your brain works in an effective manner.ovoferrin to help with the iron.I could go on and on.

Eggs are miracle in a shell and when there on your plate its like stareing at the sun.

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