
Very unpopular opinions

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3 hours ago, Maddie said:


I believe that the technical term from a Buddhist point of view would be to realize that none of the five aggregates are the self. 



Or that grasping after self in any of the five aggregates is identically suffering.

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19 hours ago, Taomeow said:


That's close to what I meant in Apech's other concurrently running thread, about ideas, when I wrote "a closed gestalt."  It's similar to a jigsaw puzzle fully assembled -- the last piece falls into place and Eureka!  


So ...... what's behind it all  ? 




" Take that Zeus !  I just checked your 'crushing cliffs'  with my King Neptune ." 






Edited by Nungali
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10 hours ago, Taomeow said:

Did I miss the switch from Very Unpopular Opinions to Very Popular Platitudes?   


... just a bit of proselytizing    ;)  


by the way .... you been 'saved ' yet ? 


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9 hours ago, Salvijus said:


If it is so popular then why did you fail to think of it? 


Ummmm ... because this thread is about the 'unpopular' .


And if you think there's a better answer than the "cliche" one. By all means, let me hear it. The stage is yours. 


Dude , she already gave her answer and WE heard it .... you just had to ..... do what you did .


Congrats .... that was very unpopular .





Edited by Nungali
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7 hours ago, Maddie said:


Is this the lion cub's truth that mom is good because she feeds him?


Or the gazelle's truth that the lion is evil because she hunts them?


Its MY truth .... watching both of them on television :


"Not another friggin nature show lion and antelope thing again ! "  :angry:

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7 hours ago, Salvijus said:


Honesty would be another word for it. 


Vipassana would be a buddhist word for it. "Seeing things as they are" not as you think they are. 


Ohhh ... so you have some faculty to discern the difference !    Special eyes that are not connected to your 'thinking bits'  ?

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7 hours ago, Maddie said:


So your saying mindfulness is the truth then?


I read it as 'mindlessness' is the 'truth' .

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7 hours ago, Salvijus said:


Observing reality without conceptualizing it leads to truth. Because now you truly see things for what they are.


So ... just be a camera then ?

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6 hours ago, Maddie said:


I don't believe you can even ordain as a monk if you have mental health problems. I think this is one of the questions they ask you to see if you qualify. 


Oooooo !  Now here is a potentially unpopular opinion .  I used to sit on a council for such things ; ' Should people with mental health problems be admitted for initiation .


Pro ;  (mostly from a mental health nurse  member that also sat on that council )  " Yes ! Our constitution  clearly states that any Man or Woman , of age , free and of good report can gain admission ."


Con ; ( mostly me ) " Nah .... look at the trouble we have had already from that ... I will be considering that as part of 'good report' , which requires  2 member sponsors , I will not be one of them , and I suggest anyone who is is held responsible and supportive  for that persons later  actions - as a sponsor should be . "

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6 hours ago, Maddie said:


How do you know this is true? Does it not sound like something a human being would say? 


Species prejudice !


I am guessing they are removed from nature, the indigenous  and close animal contact to declare that .

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4 hours ago, Apech said:


But Schrodinger was a hum dinger.


And Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
who was very rarely stable.

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
who could think you under the table.

David Hume could out-consume
Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel.

And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.



There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya
'bout the raising of the wrist,
Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed.

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.

Plato, they say, could stick it away,
Half a crate of whiskey every day.

Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle,
And Hobbes was fond of his dram.

And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart,
"I drink, therefore I am."

Yes, Socrates himself is particularly missed,
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed.

Edited by Nungali

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2 hours ago, Mark Foote said:

Everybody just loves the Pali sermons, in my opinion (@Nungali).


What, that's unpopular?


I think you misunderstood me .


Its not the sermons that are unpopular  .... its the continual sermonizing

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2 hours ago, Nungali said:


... just a bit of proselytizing    ;)  


by the way .... you been 'saved ' yet ? 



Sorry, that's classified.


Let me in! : r/memes  

Edited by Taomeow
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I think no matter what I say, some of you guys will still going to get salty. But making sarcastic jokes is not a healthy or effective way to cope with it. Something unfortunatly you guys are taking a long time to understand it seems... But hey, if you think that will bring you closure, by all means, keep trying. 

Edited by Salvijus

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"So ... just be a camera then ?" 


Camera has no perception or knowledge of what it is recording. Camera is only capturing the light outside and storing it. But there there is nothing sentient there to perceive the collected data. 


Like a mirror. A mirror gives a clear reflection of reality, but reflection is not knowledge. And it is knowledge of reality (synonymous with perception of reality) that amounts to knowing the truth. 


The element of Knowledge is missing in both camera and mirror. Without the ability to Know( synonymous with "to perceive" in this context) , there is no possibility of consciously knowing Truth. 


Mindfulness is not just recording the information that enters through our senses. Mindfulness is to have concious knowledge of life that is throbbing all around you. That's why there are degrees of mindfulness and mindlessness. 


"To the extent you are concious, to that extent you know the truth, to that extent you're free from false perceptions, illusions, projections of ego. To that extent you are free and happy" 


Edited by Salvijus

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44 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I think no matter what I say, some of you guys will still going to get salty. But making sarcastic jokes is not a healthy or effective way to cope with it. Something unfortunatly you guys are taking a long time to understand it seems... But hey, if you think that will bring you closure, by all means, keep trying. 


Forgive the father, for they know not what they do 😁

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1 minute ago, snowymountains said:


Forgive the father, for they know not what they do 😁


🤧 That was beautiful 

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- knock knock

- who's there? 

- a delivery boy

- but i don't remember ordering anything

- not a single minute in your day goes by where your heart is not crying for deliverance. 


-knock knock 

-who's there? 

-your worst nightmare 

-a big scary demon? 

-the love of God. 


Edited by Salvijus

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

- knock knock

- who's there? 

- a delivery boy

- but i don't remember ordering anything

- not a single minute in your day goes by where your heart is not crying for deliverance. 


-knock knock 

-who's there? 

-your worst nightmare 

-a big scary demon? 

-the love of God. 


I can’t help thinking that you haven’t yet mastered the concept of a knock knock joke.


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