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I am someone new to the Dao. Chinese-American background, have some experience with Christianity, wanted to reconnect to my heritage through Daoism after I became less satisfied with Christianity.


Currently reading through Jerry Alan Johnson's medical qigong books -- the first one seems pretty accurate according to what I heard form TCM learners in my community, but it is taking me forever for me to memorize all of it (if anyone wants his books i believe i have pdfs of all of them). Also I'm unsure about the spiritual level of Alan Johnson after reading his biography.


Also doing ba duan jin, thinking of starting baguazhang, and some meditation -- although i have no formal training in neigong yet.

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Chinese American background? Born in the USA or born in Asia and moved here when young? Chinese culture while growing up? Hang out with Americans or Asians when growing up? Any Cantonese or Mandarin? I have some experience and speak a little Cantonese.


Some older Asians like to practice Tai Chi for health reasons. I never learned. Keeps the body moving and flexible. Suppose to help the Chi or energy flow. Have you had any interest in Buddhism? I have interest in Zen Buddhism. Started after I heard the title, "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance". Of course, I never read that book. Instead started with "The three pillars of Zen" (An older book). And have moved onto other books. Mostly enjoy the Zen stories. Some of which have been turned into Koans. 



I am new here. So a welcome from me might not mean as much. But, Welcome to the forum.

Edited by Tommy

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Posted (edited)

Hello, sorry I didn't check this in a while :( 


Born in USA, lot of chinese culture growing up (parents came from communist china back when it wasn't that developed and pretty closed off, so very little strong western influence), mainly hang out with chinese/mandarin speakers, speak mandarin pretty fluently, working on reading -- I can't read ancient chiense :(


Did some taichi as a kid (classes were mainly little kids + seniors), didn't like the insane amount of forms, so I chose baguazhang instead lol. 


I have no formal study or training in buddhism but I went to Hsilai temple often as a child, and remember fondly the buddist monks. I will definitly check out those books you mentioned and watch that video (i'll get back when I'm done lol) -- tysm!!


I deeply appreciate all welcomes and the time you guys took to read and respond to my post :)

Edited by Rvel
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Did not have to go into such detail but thanks. Me, immigrant family. Grew up in NYC. Hung out with wrong crowd and got into a lot of trouble. Long story short, I straightened myself out. Got married and had a daughter. Retired and ready for the old life. Wish I could sit all day but wife has projects for me. 


Welcome to the conversation/forum

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