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Story and stirring

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@Nungali   I remember reading a post/story of yours somewhere about a farmer having a higher crop yield than his neighbors (could not find the post again). The others found out that the high-yield farmer used to stir some fertilizer or portion in a clockwise direction singing some lines and then stirring anti-clockwise singing some lines.


It may have been just a story but does this have any correlation with stirring food when cooking, in a clockwise direction (to pull in energy)?


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' Clay singers' they used to call them . Its part of folk agricultural practices (pre modern artificial  fertilizer era )  that was incorporated into Bio-dynamic agriculture .


I prefer not to use 'clockwise' ( as its the reverse 'down here' )  ; deosil and widdershins, with the path of the Sun or against it .  With was generally thought good and the reverse not so good .


'Pull in energy' is a bit vague , but yes , the basic principle seems the same  .... except ... in bio-dynamics it a bit more complex, you need a 'shatter' cycle to disperse the 'pulled in energy' into the substance .  For those that actually read and studied Steiner's agricultural writings ( most do not as one only needs a few chapters from it under your belt to pass exams and be qualified  :rolleyes: ), its clear the idea is to stir one way to 'gather forces' then the other , it is actually the process of disrupting the vortex formed that energizes the water or potion .  The same is done with their other preparation  501 ... where quartz crystal rods are smashed and pulverized to 'release the energy' contained within the form .

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Thanks @Nungali for the interesting info on the bio-dynamic preparations. I read through some of the training material and watched a video of creating a vortex bringing order and then chaos. Maybe life is similar to this cycle as well.

Edited by Bhathen

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