
Cure of kundalini psychosis

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Hello everyone  ,i want to share with you how i got rid of my own kundalini problem after a long period of 10 years , researching thru various materials,my problem resulted in disbalance in my brain hemisphere which did not allow long term memory and retention,i also had a inner voice stuck in me which just repeated a word over and over again in my mind.

Coming back to how i recovered

First- learn grounding or rooting posture from. Youtube or some books

The key here is tucking of the coccyx bone forward,tuck this bone with you hip in tight manner while doing the grounding pose,this will allow the earth energy to open the ming men point which gets blocked due to kundalini,now imagine a bright ball of white light on the ming men point-flowing mobility tai chi _youtube channel, the location of ming men point is a little deeper then the bone of spine where it lies it never one the surface,you can focus on the inner surface of your spine in the ming men region,

This will open the ming men point,

Now learn yi quan first pose -zhan zhuang-channel yiquan park- if your ming men point is open your spine will became straight and the inner organ will cool down - to get rid of anxiety you can do eft -emotional freedom technique(google it)on collar bone point,other than this you can do brocade to clear your organ daily and also if deeper level of work required you can practise -jalandhar-throat lock with swallowed saliva in mouth-and moolbandha-perinuem lock with air outside--this will open the ida pingala and allow rapid release of stuck energy-all this will only happen if your ming men point is open,if not all you efforts are waste and nothing will work-also touch your tongue on palate just near the teeths and channel excess energy inside of brain to grounding by simply standing on ground and focusing and intending the energy of your head to go in  the ground this will calm you  a little bit ,do this with you heart also to cool,best of luck for rapid recovery


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