
What do you do in a Full Moon o New Moon day?

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Do you know some practices for doing in full moon or new moon? Either of daoist tradition or Hindu, buddist, esoteric etc

I can give some advice

First; Never ejaculate 2 days before, the day, and 2 days after a full or new moon. The moon eat life energy those days, search for gurdjieff for more detail, therefore ejaculate, sex, emotions etc are the dinner for the moon, i don't wtf the moon is either natural or artificial but the fact it's that eat life energy.

The "crazy" or unbalanced ppl become more unbalanced etc basically the moon it's like a boost, like you can take energy or you give energy those days.

I personally feels in new moon more "love", if i can use that word, but definitely it's not anger or bad feelings, I fell like loosing all boundaries.

In full moon i feel the sex drive more intense but it pass and then i have this feeling again.

These days ppl become more aggressive, more violent, do more mischief etc. So don't go outside it's the best. Because 95+ of the world eats meat so... they have all the emotions of the animals being killed.

You eat meat, they eat you haha.

At first look like sad view all those ppl being food for other entities, they act\are like zombies, like machines it would say G, but it's nature in this universe all energy it's transform nothing it's loosed, and i think they have what they deserve.

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On 24/06/2021 at 9:02 AM, Heyoka44 said:

Because 95+ of the world eats meat so... they have all the emotions of the animals being killed.


Not meat exactly but their karmic fires rising up during full moon as Yin & Yang have an increased flow during full moon. The Kidney is the source of all Y&Y in our energetic system and when that flow is increased it opens up the Liver which store sexual desire & the Heart which stores anger. That's the reason humans become more aggressive and sexually active during that time PLUS bear in mind most humanity is in a state of waking sleep as Gurdjieff brilliantly discussed in "The Fourth Way."



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On 27/06/2021 at 4:09 AM, Gerard said:


Not meat exactly but their karmic fires rising up during full moon as Yin & Yang have an increased flow during full moon. The Kidney is the source of all Y&Y in our energetic system and when that flow is increased it opens up the Liver which store sexual desire & the Heart which stores anger. That's the reason humans become more aggressive and sexually active during that time PLUS bear in mind most humanity is in a state of waking sleep as Gurdjieff brilliantly discussed in "The Fourth Way."



Where did you learn that? Is in TCM?

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