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Positivity/negativity and chi

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I often experience love, trust, doing without doing, life joy, going with the flow etc etc. I also often experience stress, anxiety, strong fear, not wanting to be in the now if i percieve it to be unpleasant.


Several times i've had fast shifts between this positivity and negativity During those shifts i have discovered that i do not move from one type of chi to another type of chi. It is the exact same chi that i experience. One second i experience it as love and joy, and later i experience it as the opposite. It seems to be an unmoving emotion that i percieve in different ways.


This emotional quality resides in the heart and solar plexus chakra. When i percieve it as positive (life joy, love, compassion) my chi flow increase dramatically (very strong energy flow when i touch my tongue to the palate) and when i percieve it as negative (stress, anxiety, extreme fear) the chi flow decrease.


This is fascinating for me, but i do not totally understand it. It doesn't change it all, it is always the same. If anyone has better understanding of this, feel free to share. What is this unmoving emotion?

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I asked around at a chat and now i understand it. The unmoving emotion is just me experiencing what is. Emptiness. When i feel anxiety, fear, terror my mind add things stuff to it that's not there. When my mind stops doing it nothing has changed, because it did not belong to emptiness in the first place.

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This is fascinating for me, but i do not totally understand it. It doesn't change it all, it is always the same. If anyone has better understanding of this, feel free to share. What is this unmoving emotion?


I suspect it's probably more beneficial for you not to understand it, since 'understanding' is a function of the small, limited mind... As soon as you 'understand', you bring your experience from the present, up into your head and into dreamland - based on the past...


You might like to try this: hold both love and anxiety together at the same time - and don't allow your 'preference' or awareness to go for one and exclude the other... just stay at the still point right in between the two and see what happens... it takes a little bit of practice, but it's fantastic... and terrifying :) (actually it's neither - but you have to discover what it is for yourself)

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