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Earl Grey

People who play music or video on speakerphone in public

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I notice that over the past few years how annoying it has become when people on a bus, in a restaurant, a ride share, on a plane, ANYWHERE really, don't want to use headphones or earphones and prefer to let people listen to their videos or bad music on their phones.


They don't really seem to care about common courtesy in public, and most of the time, I've heard people refuse to lower the volume even if everyone else wants it off or are too shy or scared to ask someone to remember good manners. Even the person who shouts into their phone and the whole room can hear is really annoying.


I am not sure if I hate smart phone technology more and more or if people will ever realize that air pollution is not just cigarette smoke, but man, I miss the 80s and 90s when we had phone booths still and prefer people smoking in restaurants than this noise and radiation everywhere. I don't want them ever smoking on an airplane though, so I'm glad that's gone. 

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A couple of times I have seen beggars do it for 'busking' .   A guy is slumped sitting against the wall nodding off, just out from him on the ground is his phone playing music and out from that a paper cup with some spare change in it .


- I dont suppose you would be giving him money for his 'contribution'  ?    :) 




- some people might ask how someone so 'poor'   ( or destitute or out of it ) can have a phone like that  ......  but


" Six of the world's seven billion people have mobile phones - but only 4.5 billion have a toilet, according to a U.N. report. "


Edited by Nungali

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4 hours ago, Nungali said:

A couple of times I have seen beggars do it for 'busking' .   A guy is slumped sitting against the wall nodding off, just out from him on the ground is his phone playing music and out from that a paper cup with some spare change in it .


- I dont suppose you would be giving him money for his 'contribution'  ?    :) 




- some people might ask how someone so 'poor'   ( or destitute or out of it ) can have a phone like that  ......  but


" Six of the world's seven billion people have mobile phones - but only 4.5 billion have a toilet, according to a U.N. report. "


Probably wouldn’t donate, haha, but another thing to note is that mobile phones are a lifeline for low income people since it is their answering machine, email, computer, and office, especially in the United States with a spike towards inner city low income African Americans according to a piece in the New York Times this year, one that notes how some use it as well as corresponding apps when they don’t have access to credit cards. A big sign of the problems with the capitalist system and mobile technology that creates disparities and dependence based on income and sadly classist and racist issues are more pronounced.

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19 minutes ago, Nungali said:

@ 1 :15




Yep, back in the day when it was just phone calls, SMS, and snake, loud voices were and still are annoying contrary to what TV news anchors and YouTube videos may convey.

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