
Prostration Assistance

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I'm interested in prostration, it's not a methodology I've employed before. I gave a couple sets of full-body (I don't know if that's what they're called) prostrations a go & I am sore in places I don't believe I've been sore in! 


What is the theory of prostration? I think I have an intellectual understanding that it is an act of submission to the Thou who is beyond all that I am. 


How does one practice prostration properly? I see there are various traditions, are there any forms that are preferable or more efficacious? 


Is there a mental component to it, are there recitations or a particular state of mind one should cultivate during the practice? 

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5 hours ago, 七星門 said:

What is the theory of prostration? I think I have an intellectual understanding that it is an act of submission to the Thou who is beyond all that I am. 


Prostrations are generally considered to be working at the levels of body, speech, and mind simultaneously.

The theory is that we prostrate in order to tame the ego, to put it in its proper place.

Generally speaking, "ego" is the source of all of our problems because we over-identify with it - we take it to be who we are.

That is fundamental ignorance, that is what we are looking to transcend, to see for what it really is.


5 hours ago, 七星門 said:


How does one practice prostration properly? I see there are various traditions, are there any forms that are preferable or more efficacious? 


I think each tradition would say that its approach is preferable and efficacious.

Don't overthink it, just find a method and start practicing.

You may eventually want to connect with a live teacher or sangha, then you can easily adapt.


5 hours ago, 七星門 said:


Is there a mental component to it, are there recitations or a particular state of mind one should cultivate during the practice? 


There are 3 aspects - 

1 Body - the physical action

2 Speech - the recitation, most traditions practice some sort of refuge prayer during prostration but any sort of supportive and pure expression of devotion, gratitude, requesting blessings, or mantra is fine.

3 Mind - it is easy for the mind to wander as we prostrate, even during a recitation or mantra. The mind must also be open, connected, alert, undistracted and fully engaged. Most traditions, I suspect, also incorporate a visualization during the practice that helps to engage the mind. 


Bottom line, if you can perform prostrations with no distraction, fully engaged, fully connected to the present moment, nothing else is really needed. 


If you are interested in a description of the visualization in the tradition I follow, let me know and I'll share but I don't have the time right now.


Good luck in your practice!




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1 hour ago, steve said:


If you are interested in a description of the visualization in the tradition I follow, let me know and I'll share but I don't have the time right now.


First, thanks for a thorough response, very helpful; & I am very interested in the visualization component whenever it is convenient for you. 

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