
Mair 12:12

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Zealot Vague was on his way east to the great gulf when he happened to meet Boreal Wind along the shores of the Eastern Sea.
"Where are you going?" asked Boreal Wind.
"I'm going to the great gulf."
"What for?"
"The great gulf is something that never fills up no matter how much water pours into it, and is never exhausted no matter how much water is drawn from it.  I'm going there to wander about."
"Sir," asked Boreal Wind, "don't you have any thoughts for level-eyed man?  I would like to hear about the government of the sage."
"The government of the sage?" asked Zealot Vague.  "He appoints officials to posts for which they are duly suited; he makes promotions with due regard for ability.  He examines circumstances and affairs thoroughly before taking any action.  His words and his deeds proceed naturally, so that all under heaven are transformed.  Wherever his hand points or his gaze directs, the people from the four quarters will go there without exception.  This is called the government of the sage."
"I would like to hear about the man of virtue."

"The virtuous man dwells in thoughtlessness and proceeds without concern.  He does not treasure 'right' and 'wrong' or 'beauty' and 'ugliness.'  He finds satisfaction in sharing benefits among all within the four seas and security in giving to all alike.  He is timid as an infant who has lost his mother, apprehensive as a traveler who has lost his way.  His wealth and utensils are more than enough, but he knows not where they come from; his food and drink are more than adequate, but he knows not how he gets them.  This is the description of the man of virtue."


"I would like to hear about the man of spirit."
"His spirit rises, mounted on the light,
While his physical form vanishes.
This is called `illumination of immensity!
He fulfills his destiny and perfects his attributes.
Heaven and earth rejoice;
The myriad affairs dissolve;
And the myriad things are restored to truth.
This is called 'merging with darkness.'"
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1 hour ago, Marblehead said:
"Sir," asked Boreal Wind, "don't you have any thoughts for level-eyed man?

This is Mair just being silly


Zhun Mang, on his way to the ocean, met with Yuan Feng on the shore of the eastern sea, and was asked by him where he was going. 'I am going,' he replied, 'to the ocean;' and the other again asked, 'What for?' Zhun Mang said, 'Such is the nature of the ocean that the waters which flow into it can never fill it, nor those which flow from it exhaust it. I will enjoy myself, rambling by it.' Yuan Feng replied, 'Have you no thoughts about mankind?


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Agree.  Likely playing around with different ways he could have translated the Chinese character.  I didn't like that either when I read it.


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