
煉心 training heart is the first step of cultivation

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I see many crazy people here.


Say something blind and crazy every day.


This is a article about training heart.


If you can't read it. Please use google translation.



  真正的修行不只在山上,the real cultivation is not in the mountain也不只在廟裏,not in the temple更需要在社會中。it need more to be in the society要在修行中生活,cultivate in daily life在生活中修行。


  有的人整天打坐,someone do meditation all say 磕頭,撥念珠,修了好多年,for many years可是習氣、煩惱依舊,性格、心態依舊、沒有任何改變,but nothing change這不是真正的修行。this is not true cultivation




  把你的服務對象看成為父母眾生,一切為他們的利益着想,以真誠心對待每一個眾生,to treat everyone by sincere heart 關心他們,care about them幫助他們,help them理解他們,體諒他們,做眾生的公僕,全心全意地為他們服務。當你不求任何回報地去給予奉獻的時候,when you give without asking feedback這就是你的修行,that is your cultivation你會得到無比的快樂。you will be happy你的事業、你的工作、你的一切都會順利。everything from you will be very good不要怕遇到違緣障礙,don't afraid to meet something bad他可以歷煉你的心性,it can train your mind提高你的層次,raise your level 增長你的智慧。grow up your wisdom


  你的家庭就是淨土,your family is your pure land就是你的寂靜處。is the place of the silence要把你的淨土打掃的乾乾淨淨ou need to clean your pure land,佈置的清淨莊嚴,要任勞任怨的盡你的責任和義務,do your duty without complain 擦掉灰塵就是擦掉你的業障wipe the dust clean is wipe your karma clean,掃除垃圾就是掃除你的煩惱。你的家人都是你的親人,都是你的父母眾生、兒女眾生,都是你的金剛道友,要關心他們,照顧他們,尊重他們,不要傷害他們,怨恨他們。


  各有各的因緣,everyone has his own fate各有各的福報,his own results你執着什麼,what you attach for什麼就會傷害你,what it will hurt you你執着誰,who you attach for 誰就會讓你傷心,who will let you sad一切都要看成如夢如幻,you should treat everything as a dream放下所有的妄念,put down all the fake thoughts但放下不是放棄,put it down but not give up該做的還要去做,you need to do you should do還要做好。and you do it well 人生就如同一場戲,life is just like a drama戲已經開場了,when the drama start,你就要演下去,you need to keep on playing但是你要明明白白、清清楚楚的知道,but you know it exactly你是在演戲,you are playing the fake drama哪裏有真的夫妻?there are no husband and wife哪裏有真的兒女?既要演好你的角色,you need to play your role well又不要假戲當真,but don't see it as reality其實人間並不是我們的老家,眾生只不過是匆匆過客而已,有什麼可執着的,有什麼可計較的,少説一句又能怎樣?退一步又能怎樣?


  凡事不要只考慮自己don't just think about yourself,要多為對方考慮think about others。只有去掉了自私、自利、自愛,only without selfish,你才能夠自在。you can be free當你真正有了慈悲心、菩提心,when you have the mercy, 你如理如法地修,you need to cultivate by dharma真心誠意地去做,do it sincerely別人自然會尊重你,people would like you and respect you喜歡你。你怎樣對待別人,how you treat people別人也會怎樣對待你,how people treat you不要總是怨天尤人,don't just complain everything不要總是挑別人的毛病,don't just fault-finding看別人不順眼,不要總想去改變別人,先調整好自己的心態,修好自己的心,一切境都會隨心轉。










  第二、點亮內心的燈光。be the light of mind現代人強調淨化環保、淨化社會,其實最主要的還是要先從淨化自己、淨化心靈做起。因為我們的心,經常被愚痴、黑暗、無明、煩惱所遮蔽。我們每個人的自性裏,都有一盞心燈,點亮這盞智能的燈、般若的燈,就能趕走無明、煩惱。有謂美容、美顏、美姿,不如美心,點亮內心的燈光就是美心。


  第三、治療內心的病患。cure the illness of your heart身體生病了要看醫生,心理生病了該怎麼辦?有人求神問卜,有人看心理醫生,不過最究竟的,還是自己要做自己的醫生,因為自己內心的病,自己最瞭解。佛説一切法,為治一切心;若無一切心,何用一切法?”佛陀説法,就是要治眾生的八萬四千種煩惱病。所謂勤修戒定慧,息滅貪瞋痴,用戒來治貪,用定來治瞋,用慧來治痴,身心才會解脱清涼。


  第四、發掘內心的財富。find the fortune of your heart外在的財富,隨時可能因為水、火、盜賊、貪官及不肖子孫等而消失。然而我們心內的財富,是偷不去,也失不了的。如:信仰、般若、慈悲、道德、精進、喜舍、慚愧等等,都是心中的財富,這是取之不盡、用之不竭的。你想擁有多少財富,就得看自我發掘多少了。


  生活在世間,who living in the world有人專找門路,someone like to find some way 有人愛找碴兒,someone like to find others fault找來找去,只有自找苦吃,自找罪受。唯有找到自家寶藏,only find out the treasure in your own heart心裏才會開朗,you will be happy才會踏實,無論什麼樣的生活,都得自在。


This is a good article.


We can think about it.


Our cultivation is built in violence or in love.


When we face the violence, how do we deal with it?

Edited by awaken

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"Our cultivation is built in violence or in love.

When we face the violence, how do we deal with it? "


More specifically on life's opposition agaisnt cultivation, what I find works for me is that violence of the air element. CONTROL is its nature simplified in a word. The consciouss mind, concentration. For example you're rushing and you have to do this little thing that takes a few seconds to a minute. One man gets angry. Another turn to new age and oh have patience out of love. The cultivator realises he has a minute anyway. He lives in the present. 

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I guess this text gives us only a general guide what should be done with the heart (xin?).

But what  if someone needs a concrete method of heart healing or at least yin-yang balance regulation?

Rgrds, Ilya

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