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Hints to the Self | How can I slowly feel sated when I am in the process of cooking and feel full when I've finished cooking, without actually eating?

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I hereby continue the mini-series to find the Self in day-to-day life. In happenings we tend to overlook, because they are so obvious that they are barely noticed by anyone.


I encourage you to take all of this as a real experience and actually experience it for your self and find your own words for it. Not only thoughts and text. Experience it.



How is it possible that when I am in the middle of cooking, I slowly notice how my body gradually expresses a feeling of saturation during the cooking process and when I am done cooking, it actually feels full, like if I have already eaten? But the meal stands clearly finished infront of me and I have not yet taken any bite...



The idea of what we want to cook, is a future. In this future we have already eaten what we are cooking right Now. Our future Selves merge with our current Selves. And this can be felt to such an extend that we feel sated, without even having actually eaten physical food.


I am yet about to discover what will happen when I do not even eat this food...



Surely to be continued...

Edited by 4bsolute

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