
Older Dao Yin Book by Lily Siou?

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I am looking for a book about Dao Yin by Lily Siou. I think that is how her name is spelled.


I have been unable to find it so far. I think I might have the name spelled a bit wrong.


Does anyone know anything about it?



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I am looking for a book about Dao Yin by Lily Siou. I think that is how her name is spelled.


I have been unable to find it so far. I think I might have the name spelled a bit wrong.

I've got a book Diary of the Way. It looks at masters of 3 different arts. One is Lily Siou a Tai Chi master. In the interview she looks knowledgeable and fascinating. I think you wrote her name correctly. If its out there google should find it.


Don't know if this link helps: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/936511.Lily_Siou

Edited by thelerner
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I did not see a book called Dao Yin by this author, but here is a book called "Ch'i Kung - The Art of Mastering the Unseen Life Force" by Lily Siou:



Lily Siou apparently also goes by the name of Chang Yi Hsiang, and if the same person, her current website can be found here:


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Thanks for the responses and links, all!


I have been searching all over the internet for about a week with no luck. I was told It exists and It would help me, although it may not have been printed for long.


I found all those books, Chi Kung, Diary of the Way, and her website, none seem to reference another book about Dao Yin or called Dao Yin..


I am not 100 percent sure I spelled her name correctly, either. I was just told it was lily su (sue,siou), just how her name sounds and not how its spelled.


I will keep on searching. Thanks and have a great life!

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