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An Ocean of Masks

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We (mind-selves) are just masks of form-illusion bliss.


What many people don't know is that the Kundalini is the Mask-maker.


Shakti is a two-way mirror which reflects your own mind-self, exaggerates its' form illusions, then reflects them back to you embellished to make you believe your own delusions even more.


This is a process known as Mara or Maya. Kundalini is more than Maya/Mara, yet it includes these things as well. Kundalini joining with mind in it's empty state is Shiva-Shakti Union.


This process protects fools from treading too far into lands they haven't earned.


When the seeker breaks through these super-imposed fabrications (via mind and Shakti conjoined processes), they will see closer and closer to the true seeing state of reality, which has always been right here, where we are. True seeing is no-mind seeing.


Trust the Kundalini to show you your mind-self.


Do not trust the mind-self that the Kundalini shows you.


Trust the Kundalini, yet trust not.


Trust the Kundalini to show you why you should not trust yourself.


Your assumed self is a Mask.


Kundalini is the co-originator of mask-selves.


Seek No-mask


Attain no-mask, you attain no-face.


You can then wear all masks, yet be attached to none.


This is non-attachment to views.


Views and masks are the same thing.

Edited by Songtsan
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I may need one after reading your post haha. No offense intended Im sure theres a great message in there somewhere, just kinda went over my head. I tried to understand, I humbly admit I didnt.

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I may need one after reading your post haha. No offense intended Im sure theres a great message in there somewhere, just kinda went over my head. I tried to understand, I humbly admit I didnt.


I am happy to break it down if you tell which parts you want to know more about...

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