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Question regarding MCO, basic

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I wonder why I come across this question so late. But better late, then never:


When you contract perineum and anus during several exercises regarding the MCO and beyond - do you hold this contraction also during the exhalation phase or Only during the inhalation phase? When you draw in energy


Naturally I only held my muscles when drawing in.


How is it correct?

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The difference has to do with whether your doing Natural Abdominal Breathing (NAB) or Reverse Abdominal Breathing (NAB).


I tend to think of the perineum and anus as moving in unison exactly the same as the stomach; All Expand; All Contract. Easy, yes?


Now, based on what your saying, you are using NAB because you said you contract when inhaling:

"Only during the inhalation phase?"


But let me ask:

If you are inhaling and contracting your contract perineum and anus, what are you doing with your stomach (contract or expand) and what is the direction of the energy during inhalation (perineum up spine to crown or crown down front to perineum)?

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