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Operation Oprah: 20 million followers, qigong alert

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booger hempel@boogerhempel 15s

@Oprah Shaolin-trained qigong meditation master Chunyi Lin Taoist Yoga miracle healer in the news …


I urge all those to tweet Oprah your favorite qigong master video!
She's got 20 million plus followers.
She only got about 30 reponses when she just tweeted promoting meditation today...


Oprah WinfreyVerified account@Oprah

Anyone else meditate today? "I use my Energy to heal and Transform. " #Day12


20 million silent followers? ONly 30 people respond about meditation?


hmmm lots of room for growth there.


ONly day 12 of Oprah meditating?....


That's the Day12 hashtag...


so is Oprah leading some meditation?


Ah 21daymeditationchallenge hashtag....


So it's an Oprah, Chopra partnership?



booger hempel@boogerhempel now

@Oprah "Master Chunyi Lin has developed an easy-to-follow program that will allow you to incorporate the health benefits of qigong" Chopra







Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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FWIW A year or two ago I participated in a Deepak 21 day meditation. I think he does them every year. A no charge listen and meditate w/ a 10 minute message. I found it a little too beginner oriented and new age. It'd be good to expose them to quality program like SFQ.


Oprah's so famous and in the web game so long she may have filters against anything thats considered spammy.

Edited by thelerner

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