
Steampunk movies/shows?

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I was wondering whether there are good movies or live action TV shows that serve as an icon for what stwma punk is and where it's not just part of the setting, but, you know, kinda representative, celebrating it. I don't remember enough about "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" to know how much that fits into the genre, but what would you say are must-see for steampunk fans?

I'm deliberately excluding animates shows, because personally that takes away some of the magic of the idea. It's way easier to draw anything you want than to bring the genre into real life.

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I was going to say Steam Boy, but that's anime. Wild Wild West movie remake was pretty steam punk, so was the original 70's series.

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Thanks for mentioning anime titles. It seems that live action is very scarce and maybe there isn't a real icon of Steampunk like I'm looking for, and Steamboy looks interesting and might have enough characteristics of a non-anime movie.

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