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Does anyone practice meditation and is "still" involved into PC-Gaming?

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Dear Ones,


I ask this question because I am slowly getting away from my long years of gaming, to find what I have always seeked in those games: inner reality and it's infinity that is truely beyond any game.

I must say that I am happy that I made it to a point where I can perceive lots of changes during my meditation, that I got beyond the greatgreat canyon of nothingness. But still I am sometimes looking "back" and see what new releases are coming out, just to find myself uninstalling those games quickly after, because they offer nothing profoundly new :)


Currently waiting for WildStar, an MMO, to be released. But aside that I really dont have interest anymore.


How about you? Is anyone here involved into practicing meditation and still playing games at the same time?


I am curious how you handle things and not get dragged down into the pit of shame and guilt what "... you are actually doing with your precious time here on earth!" :D

Edited by 4bsolute

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my boyfriend meditates sometimes and plays games nonstop, i will ask him if he has any recommendations for you :)

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though if you don't mind running a nintendo DS emulator, i personally recommend the "Devil Survivor" series


start with the 2nd one, then play the 1st


plot summary - God decides humanity sucks and should be wiped clean and start over, and you get to summon demons and use them to fight to determine what kind of future you want. Multiple paths to different endings

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Last game I played was Skyrim. I liked the atmosphere in general but like most games there's just too much death and destruction. I think I'm pretty much done with gaming for this lifetime. There's more surprises in reallife exploration both internal and in nature.


Today I met a young wild moose in the forest while doing standing meditation, we both looked at each other without moving for a while. Don't think anything I could see in a game would beat that.

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Last game I played was Skyrim. I liked the atmosphere in general but like most games there's just too much death and destruction. I think I'm pretty much done with gaming for this lifetime. There's more surprises in reallife exploration both internal and in nature.


Today I met a young wild moose in the forest while doing standing meditation, we both looked at each other without moving for a while. Don't think anything I could see in a game would beat that.


That is pretty much what is happening all around me with animals, aswell. Mostly birds because I chose to interact more with them. Making friends everywhere. When you disolve, magic starts to happen


I just reinstalled World of Warcraft and instantly noticed the incredible heavy impact on my solar plexus region and the dis-comfort when I quit after just a few minutes. I even felt that there was a "gap" in my day, today, where I installed and played this game. I was not available for my spirit it seems. I cant explain it otherwise. What a weird-weird feeling, somehow or something feared that I have lost the grip of my teachings I am currently on practicing.


I went sun-gazing this evening and what a wonder... everything is back to normal. The gaming pc will be stored back into the closet until it's forgotten and sold or given away sometime soon :)


Thanks for the feedback guys

Edited by 4bsolute

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Yeah i do, it is a pretty big time sink though.

But playing some competitive games which require a lot of skill with some friends is pretty enjoyable.


Ill probably be playing Vindictus with a few friends. I also play DOTA which is a really deep game on the skill and teamwork level.

Gotta make sure not to spend too much time on it though.

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My current time sink is Mass Effect playing all 3 for the 1st time on ps3 just about completed number one


I really enjoy borderlands if I find a good teammate, cooperation is fun


What is a bit worrying is I sometimes feel, I have nothing to do tonight. Entertainment, be it games, movies, books even drinking, will all use that time in ways I enjoy ........ But are they useful ways?

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Really liked the Assassin's Creed games.


Normally I play games for the story, and play them on easy mode. That way they're easy to pick up, easy to get into, I can watch some cool cutscenes, but it's not a huge time investment outside of entertainment.


I started playing Dragon Age: Origins a while back. Really awesome game. But I just started realizing what a big undertaking that kind of a game is (like Final Fantasy games).


Skyrim and the like are fun because they're fairly sandbox style. You can get in and tackle the main storyline, or you can roam around the town messing with villagers and baking pies.


In any case, I put down video games some months back. Good, right?


Instead, I started reading :P The Dune Series, the Wheel of Time series (an undertaking that's as much devotion as most fantasy video games anyway) as well as Robert Heinlen's books (A Stranger From a Strange land, HIGHLY recommended standalone book)


My masturbation frequency has neither increased nor decreased (frequent when my girlfriend is not around). But that's neither here nor there.


I also only used to drink alcohol socially, but now I'll do it on my own after a long work week, or when I'm feeling frustrated with life. A nice stiff drink. Usually with a meal, and never to the point of getting wasted. Just a bit tipsy and relaxed.


Not sure what this means for my spiritual progress.

Edited by Sloppy Zhang

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You sound like me sz :-) I'll be wasting too much time playing games, so I'll go read a book :lol:

Now I know I could be meditating, but I've already done my practices for the day, and I can't play sax all the time either (I'm sure my neighbors and I know my partner are grateful for that) I could go out and meet people but I do enjoy being home in my house at night .... so should I enjoy a nice single malt, perhaps some tobacco or watch a movie ... And so the circle goes :)

Edited by Mal Stainkey

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