Harmonious Emptiness

Organic and sustainable-farming documentary

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Ah, it's finally here with English subtitles. "Think Global Act Rural" is a documentary about sustainable farming without the use of pesticides or tractors, and how this is entirely possible on massive scales, not mention immeasurably healthier.


Amazing info as well there about how the pesticide industry developed as a way to keep chemical warfare industries making money, and just how unnecessary all the crap that we pollute our food with actually is.


Enjoy, and share!



"Solutions locales pour un désordre global / Local Solutions for Global Dysfunction"
















Edited by Harmonious Emptiness
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Wow this reminds me when I listened to NPR yesterday - the mornings news was sponsored by a petroleum refinery and the news story was Charles Man saying that non-renewable resources are actually unlimited.


Then the news was on fracking in Germany and guess what? sponsored by the natural gas industry.


Then an interview with Delta airlines CEO - and the story was sponsored by Delta!!


the next story as "news" was a promotional for Google.


I was shocked that people accept that as "public" news!!?!




So here was have Charles Mann saying SOIL is a renewable resource. Yes it's NEEDS to be renewed. I practice humanure composting.


Yes, Unconventional Fossil Fuels Are That Big of a Deal


Here is a new story by Charles Mann -- http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/05/yes-unconventional-fossil-fuels-are-that-big-of-a-deal/275616/



The lesson of both the recent emergence of fracking and the potential development of methane hydrate is that affordable petroleum will be available for a long time to come.


Hmm -- but the environmental costs?



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