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Dashanami Sanyasin order, Sankaracharya & Adwaita Vedanta...

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Hi everyone,


I have a BUNCH of books by Swami Satyananda Saraswati & Swami Niranjananda Saraswati & the Prasthanathraya done by Swmai Sivananda Saraswati.


I respect the Dashnami Sanyasin order quite a bit due to what I've read as I've had no contact regarding them.


My question is two-fold:

My understanding is the Dashanami Sanyasin order was started by Sankaracharya.

Is there a regular (non-sexual contact) Sanyasin & a Householder Sanyasin?


Why is there emphasis put on Sanyasins when Sri Ramana Maharshi & Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj & his guru never mention being a Sanyasin?


The commentary of Sankaracharya on the Isa Upanishad states that rites, rituals mean zero insofar as Brahman is concerned. Yet I think see rituals being performed by the Dashnami order such as Yajna's & Agni Hotras.


Could someone clarify this for me please? I think I'm off base somewhere...hope I'm not!!


Thank you,


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rites and rituals based in or on factual and respectful contact with the devas and gods are a key part of Hinduism!

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When all dharmas and karmas are fulfilled or worked out one is close to Brahman, although such a distance and the Grace that bridges it can not be measured in a regular ways.

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