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Any problem combining different Qigong/meditation forms?

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I have been experimenting a bit with the meditations of Master Waysun Liao which are mostly lower Dan Tien focused meditations but I also get a lot from doing the White Skeleton Visualization method of Master Nan/Bodri, so I was wondering if there is any issue with doing both every day? As I think I read somewhere that if you do different Qi exercises that the Qi can get confused.


In the White Skeleton the whole body is visualized and turned to emptiness so the Qi isn't being directed in a particular direction with this exercise, but I still worry about creating confusion and undermining my own efforts, yet I see such potential in both methods that I would like to do both.

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Not that I'm an expert, but it doesn't sound like these two would interfere with each other. If the one method is focusing on the dantien, then it will probably just augment the qi availability and activity of White Skeleton Visualization.


Most qi gong methods have a central part to them for building the dantien, so from the sounds of it, you'd probably just be adding to/increasing the foundational practice by doing extra dantien work.


Maybe there's other opinions though, which I'd be interested to hear...

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