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The meaning

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I am not a Taoist but I do appreciate the veiws and values, I am Celtic I define what I believe I am as a Shamanistis Druid. I chose the handle as I have come to see the symbol of the black rose as a symbol of something that can never be found but still is worth searching for, much like the end of a philosophical question. I have dreams of one day founding a society devoted to the pursuit of Chivalry and Philosophy and calling it the Knights of the Black Rose but until then I will be content to peddle my humble opinion on hear and learn from others

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Hello Knight ~


I recently read this wonderful book, "The Spiral of Memory and Belonging" by Frank Maceowen. I would heartily recommend it to any interested in the Celtic path of shamanism, and to all who are connecting to the sacred lineage beyond words and concept. It is a very multi-dimensional and poetic exploration of reality. Blessings to you,

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Thank you very much Riverheron I am always in search of true understanding I will try to find it this weekend when I make my weekly book store run. I also like your signature, if Im not mistaken it is from the Southern English Celts. May peace be with you always

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Welcome, dear friend.


Very glad you made it here. It's a great place to contemplate and conversate with the things that you seek.

Amazing insights and off-the-wall experience abound here.

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