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Laozi versus the logicians

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I was being sarcastic, But this is fun, Please translate "I worked in the garden"

I am having trouble with this because I can only figure out how to work in the garden, I do not know how to do this in the past or in the future.


No problem....!!! Nothing can bother a Taoist.... ;)


"I worked in the garden"

1. 我在花園工作。

1. I am working in the garden.


2. 我在花園工作

2. I worked in the garden.


3. 我在花園工作。

3. I will work in the garden.



Please note that the characters in bold which will change the tense of the sentence.... :)

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Stosh I think you raised some good points of the blend of cultures. As common people we can start the

change but imagine brilliant western trained minds stuck in a pyridium that is fundamentally wrong,

a philosophical blunder. The original mistake in my opinion must be fixed. The western system is

anti human it only sees a slice of reality and fights to maintain its view. Look at our attempts to

prove darkness as absolute and independent. To prove this we make a death chamber, an unnatural

environment that humans can not live in yet thru these thick lead walls protons pass thru and give off lite. knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a crime against humanity. In a polar complete system men

and women face each other. in the western system the man is over the women, far from reality. we use

patch work to cover up these mistakes. allopathic medicine the answer to our problems kill it or cut

it off thats some life giving pro human stuff right there.

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Another example of Laozi dealing with the logicians is the opening line of the Guodian chapter 15




Old people are good at studying that which surely is a microscopic oneness mysteriously arriving at an extremeness impossible to record.


Laozi's nearsighted and farsighted joke refers to the title of one of the logician Deng Xi' works:


What is without thickness cannot be piled up, yet its extension can cover 1000 li.


"without thickness" means a point (a dimensionless unit) which precedes all others.

Its character is in the Guodian text 妙 that according to the dictionaries means "subtle".

Laozi used too the character 妙 to express oneness in his chapter 1

Edited by lienshan

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