Samurai Mountain man

So I had to introduce myself.

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Hello everyone, I am here because I have a hunger for self-knowledge, I am sure that through the practices of Philosophical Taoism I'll be able to really understand myself and get rid of all those things that I don't need.


I first got introduced to Taoism through self-research a week or so ago.Im not sure why I became curious about it, I just sort of started reading several different translations of the Tao te ching and I also read through some Zen and some Buddhism and found it all more pleasing than I thought it'd be. I eventually landed on Bruce Lee and his philosophical insights which I say really caught my attention because they spoke to me in various ways and they cemented my affinity for Taoist philosophy.



I believe that through understanding more of taoism I'll be able to understand more of the world and more about myself and constantly evolve into a better human being and someone who reaches out to his full potential.


One issue though. i've tried meditation several times (even before reading the TTC) and while i've managed to relax I haven't been able to actually meditate and I was looking for tips and advices, maybe sharing some experience?


Thanks in advance.

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Does embracing hunger bring you peace ? I cant say.

Is Bruce lee supposed to have been Taoist? I dont know

But you will find plenty of tips for meditation here if you look.

Good hunting

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I guess it's a positive feeling, not only for It's goal but because I find myself letting go of the unessential on a daily basis, I call it a hunger but I don't feel unsettled or disturbed by it, it doesn't give me anxiety and it hasn't become an obsession. It's a hunger that gives me drive. So yeah I believe I am starting to be at peace for the very first time in a long time.


I am by no means an expert but in very little time i've managed to read and research a decent ammount of information. Bruce Lee's Jeet kune do philosophy was heavily influenced by his study of philosophical Taoism, and he would often paraphrase from the Tao Te Ching, some things I couldn't really comprehend before but now seem to be clearing up.

What i've manged to understand about taoism is pretty much something I can't seem to put into words, the more I try to phrase the Tao the less I "know" about it. it's not really confusing but I can't explain it either, It trully trascends words. "being rather than Doing" comes to mind when attempting explanation.

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Sounds like a healthy attitude for a fiery individual.

look for balance too- if you arent already

Dont let anybody confuse you

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