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super power method

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...and forget about gaining power for yourself.

Let go of forgetting, just accept all as it is. It is more about remembering who you already are, not about forgetting who you're not. For who you're not is always equal to who you are. There is only you as one as all that exists. Nothing outside of it, nothing else to it. Its one as all as no one else. Just the singularity of your "being" being that you are.


If you are wanting to gain power for yourself you are wanting to gain power for yourself.

If you are gaining power for yourself you are gaining power for yourself.

If you have the power you want, you have the power you want.


Existance is that simple. You can be who ever you want to be, by being that being, not by wanting or becoming that person. For if you become that person, you shall always be "BECOMING." If you simply choose to be, then you are what you are! It is law. You can never not be what you are. Existance is eternal. There is no "not" for even "no thing" is a thing of nothing else. It is the singularity of your being. Nothing is the very core of your existance. The one that you are in this moment as all that exists is here and now in this moment. This moment and place is all that exists, always had and always shall be all that exists. You exist now and here and thus you contain it all. You are free to choose to be who you want to be now. You're free to release yourself from pretending that your being is the result of your past. For you define that past from the present and you receive the exact meaning from the past that you place there! IT's all you! You are creating all of existance anew each and every single moment. How come you do it? Because its fun. Because you're free to do so. You're worthy of doing so. Nothing in the universe can contradict you. You are all that exists, there is no one else to contradict you but you yourself. You see how it works? Its really as simple as "All exists here and now, as one, as all." IF you realize this, you will naturally learn how what you put forth is exactly what you get back. Everything is a mirror of nothingness. Life is meaningless. You receive the meaning you put in to it. Just like a mirror is meaningless without the light that it reflects. You are the light, you are the one that exists here and now. Its all you and you are all. We're the same person. All choices are valid. Even pretending to not know who you are is a valid choice and worthy of existance. You are eternally unconditionally loved in that way.

Edited by Everything
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