
My Little Pony

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Really not sure what to make of it. If it's real than that guy is one of the dumbest idiots I've ever witnessed. If it's a parody, it's a really bad one. I would comment on it, but I don't want it in my activity feed for other people to notice it exists.

Why did you have to post that? I have to watch so many Fluttershy pictures now to wash away the stain.




In other news, I made above idea into a proper picture. That desk immediately reminded me of Phoenix Wright.






P.S.: Not that it surprises me any bit, but Youtube's insanity is spreading. They have now removed the right-click-menu option to stop video download, for Flash and HTML5 player. They are enforcing(!) a waste of bandwidth.

I also tried to switch from Opera to Firefox, because it doesn't use up full CPU so often and crashes less often, too, but there were some ridiculously selective restrictions standing in the way of configuring it the way I like in Opera, e.g. an addon for changing keyboard shortcuts offered customization for pretty much anything, just not that which I needed to customize the most.

Edited by Owledge

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how is your pony nsfw folder coming along?


mine is a severely lacking, just a few big macintosh pics :lol:



also in other news - i killed myself because i couldn't wait for equestria girls to leak

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This music is mindblowingly and heartopeningly awesome:





!!! Crank up the volume !!!


I'm using headphones, and I'm listening to it so loud that I'm worried I might wake people up.



Also quite good: "Entering Equestria" and "Party Soft"




Edited by Owledge

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O-M-F-G! :blink:




I wish I knew the source of this picture, but finding something on deviantART using the search function is very difficult. I guess few people actually add tags to their uploads.

Edited by Owledge

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Somehow this picture feels awesome. I'm imagining a stroll through Ponyville at night.



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