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Taoist Meditation Principles

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I'm wondering what folks various levels of success is surrounding their search for or divining of any meditation places (actual physical location) in and around their everyday environments or (my personal preference) in natural settings.


Once my primary practice was established and the relative "effects" of practice experienced on a consistant basis, or in other words, I developed a baseline, in geometry a plumb-line, I followed and observed the effects of practice in a variety of conditions & environments.


Of these conditions and environments, what external conditions have been most favorable for the promotion of cultivation, chi gung, meditation, or any other pracitices classically associated with Taoism? Assuming that internal conditions (balance) are satisfactory to support training. I.E. no major emotional events, diet good, sufficient rest, etc.


In everyday places around the city I've found that parks, and the tops of buildings or parking structures offer sufficient buffers for practice. Particularlly parking garages and other natural amptheaters produce accoustical anamolies that often 'spark' the fuse that leads down the processes associated w/ ego detachment and from at least my perspective, 'proper' practice. (proper simply meaning w/o monkey mind & mind/body union)


Here I'm interested in others creative responses to maintaining a meditative practice inside a city, and the creative uses of what we perceive as mechanized for other... more enlightening purposes. I.E. turning the machine back on itself creating a feedback loop to ride. The resourcefulness of individuals set on a maintaining and cultivating never ceases to amaze me.


In relationship to natural settings I'd be interested in hearing any storys about "breaking through" while in that one special place (no need to be specific), while under the influence of any combination of elements, cosmological alignments, hugging a tree, sitting in a cave, or any other set of environmental circumstances which brought about a qualitative differences in practice.



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