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Solfeggio tones

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Using solfeggio sounds is an excellent healing tool:



Origin of the solfège syllables:


The use of a seven-note diatonic musical scale is ancient, though originally it was played in descending order.


In the eleventh century, the music theorist Guido of Arezzo developed a six-note ascending scale that went as follows: ut, re, mi, fa, sol, and la. A seventh note, "si" was added shortly after. The names were taken from the first verse of the Latin hymn Ut queant laxis, where the syllables fall on their corresponding scale degree.


Ut queant laxis resonāre fibris

Mira gestorum famuli tuorum,

Solve polluti labii reatum,

Sancte Iohannes.



St. John the Baptist: Ut Queant Laxis



The multiverse and all its planes is very alive and vibrating at different levels, like conscious bubbles in an endless ocean.


Love and sound.



Edited by Gerard
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It is OK. :) Always happy to help, what it really counts is not how much have you taken and accumulated in life but how much have you given to others. The real measure of moral character.

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It is OK. :) Always happy to help, what it really counts is not how much have you taken and accumulated in life but how much have you given to others. The real measure of moral character.


So true! :) Does this also connect with ...those particular sounds, beatwaves? I believe it's called? Same thing? This supposedly opens ones Chakras?

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Good stuff. Thanks.


Gerard whats the title of the thread you made regarding your teacher with the video of him speaking about shakti?

Edited by OldGreen

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