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Red State The Movie

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One of the reasons I happily left the US was that I was tired of those kinds of "Christian" religious nuts dominating public life . . . And now Islamic fundamentalists seem set on imposing their own narrow agenda here in Europe. Sheesh! If only moderate Evangelicals would get their act together and make a clean break with the Bush regime, and if only moderate Muslims would definitively resist the extremists of their own religion . . .


I think the Aeneros device would do these kinds of rigid people a lot of good! :D

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One of the reasons I happily left the US was that I was tired of those kinds of "Christian" religious nuts dominating public life . . .

Well, I bought the movie and watched it a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, the red state differences are rooted in religion. People have (mistakenly) identified a certain kind of life as "Christian", which leads to a very simplistic knee-jerk kind of politics and nationalism. These people vote for Bush even though his economic policies are totally contrary to their middle & low income demographic and contrary to their own economic beliefs in general. They see him as a "traditional guy" and a "Christian" and so it doesn't really matter what he does; they vote for him on that basis. If, objectively, "candidate A" is an insane idiot yet fits a certain "traditional Christian" persona and "candidate B" is intelligent, thoughtful, broad-minded, honest yet hues toward a certain secular progressive persona, half the nation will still vote for "candidate A".


Also, they are trying to preserve a way of life and see secular liberals as taking the country on a very wrong cultural path.


The roots of this divide run deep and are not something that are likely to be overcome for generations.


This documentary was very well done, and gave me a much better sense of the culture, the people, of red states.

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