
Why do you measure yourself by others' standards?

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What would be really awesome is if tigers grew wings and developed the ability to have like . . . 2 dozen offspring per year . . . and rhino skin!


That would be something to compare to, or get eaten by.


Probably the latter. Your social insecurities would seem pretty f*%king pointless when the flying tiger rhinos coming swooping down out of the sky.


Maybe they should breathe fire to . . . too much?


me? social securities?


we are talking about your social securities mate, not mine

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this is why i say the masses are afraid of death..


one can only truly reached liberation if one embrace death as lovingly as one embrace one's soul mate..


you are afraid to die, so you cling onto society, even if that society rots you from inside out..


clinging onto society is the unnatural path..


the only natural path is to live a hermit's life for in the end, everybody would be a hermit when they die..


everybody dies alone..


everybody has to accept that death is an solitary path which everyone has to face in the end..


Hello Tulku,


When you say, "This is why I say the masses" you are separating yourself from the masses, propping yourself up as someone special who transcends the masses. You are the masses. If the masses are afraid of death, so are you. If you reach a state of awareness you will understand that fear is a natural emotion, one that protects us from harm. If you meet a tiger in the woods, it is wise to be afraid, but not to let that fear overwhelm you, but rather to be calm in the face of fear.


People are afraid of death because they don't know what happens after they die. It is wise to be afraid of death, but not to let that fear overwhelm you. Many people seek salvation from death and in seeking salvation turn to whatever "truth" is most comfortable to them. For me death is the end of "me", but not the end of ME.


I am the entirety of the universe, I am the alpha and the omega, I am dead and alive, and will never quite be alive or dead, but rather just be. Life and death are just definitions of states, the state of being does not cease to be just because my breath is gone and I no longer am "me", because I continue on so long as the universe continues on. To define life as those things that can think and feel and reason is a lie. The rocks are alive, light is alive, the galaxy breathes each day and dies each day to be born again.


Stop telling others what to thing or how to behave and start to behave as you think you should and you will cease to worry about these things and find peace for yourself.


The creator does not care about you, nor me, it only brings us to being because we are meant to be, not because we are any more special than the rock on the ground or the pile of shit on the pavement. If we want to believe we are simply to ease our conscience, then that is fine, but it doesn't change any of these things.


When you realize that you are the creator, then you will begin to stop seeking the creator's approval and begin to really understand what you are searching for.


With love,



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