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How do you use your Heartmind to open up your third eye?

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I would Like to add that, In my experience, the 3rd eye is a subsidiary of the Heart.


The heart centre is a perceptive organ in its own right, with full Knowing, often called 'silent knowledge' and is simply the deepest core of our mind.


If Mind was seen as a sphere, thinking is the circumference while heart is the centre.


The Heartmind apart from 'just' Knowing [lol] also has each of the higher senses. It 'sees' 'hears' and so on. It is how I communicate with the nature spirits and other denizens. It is also how I view the energetic realms. It is what allows me to Interact with the deepest parts of the universe.


The third eye, in my book, is its subtle sensing system, just the way my senses are the physical sensing system...

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