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Two books that will change my life

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The Divided Mind by John Sarno


Simply amazing. I've had a nagging shoulder injury and thought to myself..could this be related to it related to oxygen deprivation caused by my brain..the pain literally disappeared simply upon questioning it..I've been insisting it was physically injured from not resting it.


The New Reflexology


stuff we mostly know about but presented in a clear way. there are connections between organs and specific muscles i never saw before...Trunk, i think you will like this one..



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Didn't realize Sarno had a new book, I'll have to check that out.


In my early twenties I had chronic lower back pain for nearly two years that originated from a nutty Yoga stunt. Sometimes it was so acute it would buckle me to the floor. I read one of Sarno's books one week and played with the ideas which were new to me at the time ... my back pain disappeared almost instantly and never returned. I've spoken to a few other people since then who've had similar experiences. I think the basic concept, that emotional trauma can "hide out" as chronic pain, especially around the site of an injury as it lends more credibility, is powerful in itself. Unfortunately it's rarely been taken well when I've tried to share this information with people ... it really sucks too to watch people you know pay thousands of dollars to have their backs ripped apart for ghosts.




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