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Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

The Tao of Anarchy

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Hello all! My name is Jonathon David, and a good pal of mine directed me to this forum recently, and i finally got around to registering.



It's good to be here. REALLY seems like my kind of crowd!



A little about me: I am 24, generally high energy and activity, once i get going, but otherwise a hypocritical, lazy, procrastinator. ;D


However, many things in my life have been changing rapidly as of last summer, which i spent on the streets, learning the real ropes of life.



Reality has never before been so stark and real to me, as if i had just woken from a dream.


In my time on the streets, i learned more about myself in 3 short months than the collective 24 years prior!


While struggling to get by and acquire hand outs from the rare but ever so appreciated generosity, i declared myself a sovereign in the eyes of god, and further declared that i will continually uphold the will of the infinite whole of god's will, so long as i am a free and sovereign individual human being.



Since making this declaration, life has become increasingly obstructed and uneasy, difficult to push forward or often to even see ahead of myself.


But i refuse to give (it) up, for without freedom, without sovereignty, i might as well occupy a hole in the ground and push up some daisies.



I might not have a whole lot of personal power over my own life at this time, but i am earning it more and more every day.




My name is Jonathon David, and i am a Free and Sovereign Human Being, just being Human.

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Why thank you. I hope to enjoy my time spent! I'll be looking for new insights and inspirations, trying to meet new friends and sharing my own philosophical extrapolations of my thoughts and experiences.


Peace to you as well. :)

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Right, here's a safe place to extrapolate thoughts, interpolate in the best of ways and even contemplate right out do any haiku?

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Right, here's a safe place to extrapolate thoughts, interpolate in the best of ways and even contemplate right out do any haiku?



Sometimes a Haiku can really make you think hard, but they are not me.


I speak as plainly as i know how, from the heart. That is who I am.


However, in the levity of the moment, these are all Haiku.


;D Peace and Harmony be with all.

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