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So I was sitting there eating my pure veg lunch, and looked up at a buddha picture and noticed the swastik on his heart chakra. So Ive been trying to experiment with visualizing swatiks spinning, as in creating some kind of energy vortex, or visualizing the swastik on the heart chakra.


A bunch of trial and error. Does anyone know any proper methods or if its just some kind of representational decoration that hasnt any purpose?

Edited by de_paradise

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You need a teacher to show you how to activate sacred geometry. It is normally activated by chanting and reciting specific sounds and mantras in order to purify chakras and the energies of the spine. Very similar to the work involved in Tibetan Buddhist mandalas. In your particular case it helps to open the heart chakra.



I am not into this sort of spiritual work, but I know someone who learnt this sort of stuff while she lived in an Indian ashram for over a decade.


Sorry if I am not more helpful.

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I dont know if it helps any but I saw a flaming, crystaline, red swastika with yin/yans in the arms in the center of my brain. Its was during meditation and the energy rose up my spine and I felt like I was flying through a tunnel but I also knew I was still in my body and traveling up it in a tiny body. Then at the end of the tunnel in the center of my brain like a domed ceiling I saw the crystal swastika.

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