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Igniting Others

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How do I give them the happiness I have found through "spirituality?" How do I ask them to make the sacrifice to let go of the habitual ways of living?


Is it arrogant of me to wish that they follow a similar path as I have? Should I push books into their hands? What do I do and what can I do? Is the only way to wait?


I know how you feel.

Even though I know that my "way" is "right," it is only right for me.

Stuart Wilde is an author who helped me to recognize that we all need different things at different times on our path. Sometimes we need pain and suffering to help us get to another level of understanding.

Demello says it very well when talking about his own ethical dilemma between acting as a "spirtiual advisor" vs psychotherapist. As a therapist, it is his job to ease pain and suffering. On the other hand, as a spiritual advisor, he recognizes that spiritual growth cannot be forced or even induced and often comes only as a result of tragedy, trauma, or significant pain. So to ease the pain may prevent growth.

I rarely speak to folks about my own spiritual path and beliefs anymore but I do try to offer compassion and assistance when I can.

Good luck with this!

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