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push hands meditation

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does any body here push hands ans a form of two person meditation


I have somethig about this but not very much, the puch hand that i do right now is mainly combative based on striking, trapping and locking


not much long term flow


would be interested to hear from anyone who does this as a meditation

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Often, when I'm pushing, I try to open myself to the tactile, visual, and auditory input totally. I try to just be there with that and respond without thought, interruption, plan, or desire. To me that is meditation but I'm not sure that's what you're referring to. Other times, my pushing practice is more goal oriented like working certain footwork patterns, qin na, neutralizations and so forth.


Ultimately, I think the meditative mindset is a critical component to being skillful in pushing, much like in the form. The only difference is that in the form you only need to be mindful of yourself. In pushing, you need to be mindful of yourself and your opponent. At a high level of skill, when the posture and timing and other factors like zhan, nian, lian, sui, bu diu and ding are refined, I think you can let go of yourself and just be (with) your opponent without yourself getting in the way.

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