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There is no way to answer this correctly. Liberation cannot be summarized. It's not an attitude. It's not a state of some kind. It's not something that's separate from the states. Etc. Etc...


If you will, liberation is a kind of mysterious maturation of one's reasoning faculties. Reasoning faculties are the ones that provide insight.


Actually there is a spiritual practice of asking this question every time you get a chance. So you visit your spiritual master and ask this very same question. But each time your master gives a spontaneous and different reply. After hearing about 10,000 of those replies, you begin to get it.

I think reasoning faculties is a two-edged sword. They are used for the purpose of gaining insight, and also that which keeps one bound to the illusion of what is.


Sometimes insights do appear without the premise of logic and reason. Spontaneous and transcendent insights often occur outside the *box* of all logical and reasonable summations, yet when one obtain such an insight, it suddenly all makes sense. People expect liberation to mean *being liberated from...*, whereas i tend to view it as *being liberated back into...*.


Emancipation can be viewed as returning to a state prior to 'ordinariness' - which is just as ordinary. The illusion that misguides is that expectations of preconceived notions of what liberation is, are often unfulfilled, hence the constant searching for that which one has never lost. That i think, is the true dilemma. Death stalks both the ignorant and the wise. Forgetting that, we chase after insignificant freedom, instead of simply allowing for it.


As for getting 10,000 replies from Masters, one can count one's good fortune if one finds a true Master, let alone obtain from such a one 10,000 perspectives on profound liberation.


Be good! :)

Edited by CowTao

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There is no way to answer this correctly. Liberation cannot be summarized. It's not an attitude. It's not a state of some kind. It's not something that's separate from the states. Etc. Etc...


If you will, liberation is a kind of mysterious maturation of one's reasoning faculties. Reasoning faculties are the ones that provide insight.


Actually there is a spiritual practice of asking this question every time you get a chance. So you visit your spiritual master and ask this very same question. But each time your master gives a spontaneous and different reply. After hearing about 10,000 of those replies, you begin to get it.



If anything movement is the nature of liberation. If we define freedom it stops and freedom becomes a dictate.

What a horrible mistake.


People who fight are not free, but defined. They are sharing the same idea as someone they try to dominate.

Edited by Guest

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As i discard more and more 'programming', i am more and more Liberated..


Be well..


You said that well.


Peace & Love!

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Thank you Gold. Your argument does sound fairly reasonable :D and i am sure it is totally reasonable for you, and it must work for you otherwise you would not have said what you said.


Yet i do have a suspicion that not all beings are very reasonable, even though none will admit so, and oftentimes use very reasonable arguments to justify enormous cruelties and atrocities in this little world of ours.


Asking a person with impure motives to be reasonable is quite a task. If this person agrees to be reasonable, very often, his reasonings are also tainted with impurities, thus his intentions based on those reasons, and his actions, will also have impure overtones. Many of these people do become legends actually, depending on conditions. When the karmic energy of their acts are still strong, their legendary status remain strong, and when it diminishes, they are forgotten.

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It's very hard to say this for sure unless you can jump into the depths of the person's soul and examine it carefully.


The very same action can be a sign of fearlessness or cowardice. In other words, visible actions do not give evidence of anything regarding one's deepest internal states. For example, you see the person smoking. Is it cowardly because they are too chicken to quit? Or is it fearless because they don't mind dying? Actually you cannot tell what motivates someone unless you can dive into that person. Someone killing someone else -- coward or hero? Can't tell. Someone rescuing someone else from fire: coward or hero? Can't tell again. Altruistic acts can be acts of cowardice. Or they can be acts of heroism. It all depends on one's secret state of mind.

To me it is very easy to say. There is only one "I", yet in reality people they are not alike. We are in fact 100% different because we relate to our branch of the past.

Yes, there is one-ness but that is out of the question, no one can define that what-so-ever.

Confligts exists between the "I" and its ideals, not between different people, except when people agree by sharing the same ideals. With no agreement there can be no disagreement. Two of basically different kinds never touch each other ever.


That is also why people become what they are fighting.

When USA is fighting radical Islam they become radicals themself (in the name of : love you neigbour ...)


War is terror, and so the so called righteous fellowship suspend their own laws and rights.

The struckeling parts in a confligt are one, they come and go together. Now it seems that USA and radical muslims are going - goodby to them :) and goodday to the new

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