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Hi, I'm not sure if I should call myself a Taoist, but I have been greatly influenced by Taoist writings. I tend to think of things logically and attempt to have a somewhat internally consistent world view. The Tao Te Ching and Zhuang Zi have many statements which appear to be contradictions on the surface but hold greater meaning, and have caused me to think a lot. I also love arguing, but I don't care who wins the argument as long as the participants learn something; entering an argument just to convince the other party without having an open mind to listen to their arguments is a lack of virtue, in my opinion. Also, hopefully someone can poke holes in everything I say on here, so I can learn more!



One of things I've been trying to do is gain victory over my self. I'm hoping to meet a Taoist sage on here who has conquered himself like in the Tao Te Ching! I've managed to somewhat rid myself of suffering caused by physical pain and also somewhat rid myself of anger, but there are probably people who are millions times better than me on here, so I'm itching to meet them!! My next target for self control is procrastination, and I'll probably start working on that tomorrow since it's getting pretty late around here.

Edited by YawningMind

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