Wu Ming Jen

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Posts posted by Wu Ming Jen


    5 minutes ago, Heartbreak said:

    There are a lot of sick psychos who keep writing all sorts of sick sexual scenarios on the internet. 

    Just look at porn and you can get an idea of what these sick psychos are.

    why are you looking at porn? to get rid of sick phychos one must rid themselves of such thoughts. Are these sick people hurting you? Are they writing about you being deviant with men and women on the internet? Do you have a bad relationship with sex. There must be some  flaw you are trying to fix. Or are you comparing them to yourself so you do not seem as sick as them.

  2. 1 hour ago, Heartbreak said:

    They say that they do not have any names on the internet yet nor do they have any statutes venerating them.

    Well if "those" people can not call them by their name it is a waste of time. If the people that lived a life and became a god or goddess meaning unified mind and  are not sitting in temples to remind you of the potential within you and to remind  you of the divinity inside of you then you are truly lost. good luck with that.



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  3. Kwan yin is one of her names


    Known by many names and stories in many places, she was revered as a Buddhist deity and then a Taoist one.

    She is known as the goddess Tara in the Himalayas and Mazu in her incarnation as the goddess of the Southern Seas, but she is best known by her Chinese name, Kuan Yin (also spelled Kwan Yin), the Goddess of Compassion.


    What happen to the moderators I have been away for a while? I am glad we can all fight and troll each other that is way more fun.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, ralis said:

    ‘Suffering was his observation of a few people and he projected that universally which I don’t agree with.
    ‘Prefer to suffer” is a poor choice of words being a non-sequiter. 

    It is a joke, health wealth and happiness compared to suffering. prefer because it is a choice to adapt or suffer. Suffering and content  are one and the same thing we cant have one with out the other.

  5. True emptiness is not empty it is the source. the universe is 99% empty. The great image is image-less.


    If i was to ask do you remember where you came from before you had a body and you say I do not know (it is unknown) that is the emptiness that contains all things. As soon as mind knows and it is spoken then we are immediately wrong only half truths can be spoken.

    • Confused 1

  6. Belly breath just as an infant, chest breathing is the beginning of the end, turn around, reverse breath, throat breath your about to die  mouth breath is the last breath you take. So this is all useless talk.


    Taoist or Buddhist belly breathing is very helpful check into it.


    long silent abdominal breath, mind and breath rest on each other, if breath is rough use mind to smooth it out, if mind is distracted and not tranquil use breath to regulate the mind, every thought effects the breathing pattern. 

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  7. “The Supreme Medicine has three distinctions:
    Ching [essence], Qi [vitality]. and Shen [spirit],
    Which are elusive and obscure.  

    Keep to nonbeing, yet hold on to being.
    And perfection is yours in an instant.

    When the distant winds blend together,
    In one hundred days of spiritual work
    And morning recitation to the Shang Ti,
    Then in one year you will soar as an immortal.

    The sages awaken through self-cultivation;
    Deep, profound, their practices require great effort.

    Fulfilling vows illumines the Heavens.

    Breathing nourishes youthfulness.

    Departing from the Mysterious, entering the Female,
    It appears to have perished, yet appears to exist.
    Unmovable, its origin is mysterious.

    Each person has Ching.
    The Shen unites with the Ching,
    The Shen unites with the Qi,
    The breath then unites with the true nature.
    Before you have attained this true nature,
    These terms appear to be fanciful exaggerations.  

    The Shen is capable of entering stone;
    The Shen is capable of physical flight.
    Entering water it is not drowned;
    Entering fire it is not burned.

    The Shen depends on life form;
    The Ching depends on sufficient Qi.
    If these are neither depleted nor injured
    The result will be youthfulness and longevity.

    These three distinctions have one principle,
    Yet so subtle it cannot be heard.

    Their meeting results in existence,
    Their parting results in nonexistence.

    The seven apertures interpenetrate
    And each emits wisdom light.

    The sacred sun and sacred moon
    Illuminate the Golden Court.
    One attainment is eternal attainment.

    The body will naturally become weightless.
    When the supreme harmony is replete,
    The bone fragments become like winter jade.

    Acquiring the Elixir results in immortality;
    Not acquiring it results in extinction.

    The Elixir is within yourself,
    It is not white and not green.

    Recite and hold ten thousand times.
    These are the subtle principles of self-illumination.”

    –  The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Classic.

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  8. I walk into a vegan restaurant, it is stone silent and people seem that it is difficult to lift their cup so I can imagine any kind of sexual desire would seem exhausting.


    Then I go into a steak house the place is noisy, filled with laughter, cheering with their glasses raised high. So I can imagine that sex would would not be exhausting at all but a great release and very uplifting .


    Lust is an extreme point of energy and will drain and turn into the opposite so extremest will have difficulty in any method they choose


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  9. 30 minutes ago, Nungali said:


    I thought it said the reptilians where taking people to be intergalactic sex sex slaves .





    Great topic!  (we all know car accidents are caused by tire skid marks). lets get back to this alien sex slave stuff. The gods had a great time with mortals banging out little demi gods.

    • Haha 2

  10. Fear has a slow and destructive frequency that makes fertile ground for negative  things to breed. How do we control things without fear it is such a great tool.


    The post heaven mind is easy to program, lead and misdirect this makes it possible for others to benefit and harm each other.


    The banking system depends on what side your on whether it is a genius system or a harmful, stealing system. The money system is mostly pretend so if it fails we can pretend and do something else

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  11. viruses and self interested cells are affected and can be destroyed by frequency. It might be good to get some chi on  and kick up our frequency. Even military designed Lyme disease or corona virus has no chance against us..


    Do you know what goes good with corona virus?.....Lyme disease.


    Monetarily speaking population of a country is a positive thing the more people the more wealth of government. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, ReturnDragon said:

    As soon you get yourself out of danger by moving the hostile force away, you had already neutralized that force which has no effect on you any longer.

    Lead force to emptiness. force has only one direction. the 7 other directions are weak. Once the force is exhausted strike what is full.


    Empty force, be on guard ,without skill one is sure to fail. This is much different than full physical force that only has one direction.

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  13. Some people like bondage and I am not a judge. Binding ourselves so there is no room to move with religions views that we can become a slave to is an opportunity to set ourselves free and roam the boundless.


    We need to eat really bad food so we can enjoy an incredible meal.


    I encourage everyone to eat as much religion as they can so they have the ability, when the time comes, to know what taste amazing.This is something felt without words to be confirmed or denied.


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  14. A bird only needs one branch to land on and a mouse only needs a bellyful of water from the lake.


    Wanting to posses the whole lake and all the branches one soon loses sight of the emptiness or yin aspects that the branches and lakes depend on to exist.


    Religions can be yang forms, hard and unyielding, all fighting and striving to be on top, the ultimate control freaks that no one wants to be around.


    letting go we enter tranquility, the Yin appears. The mysterious female opens the gate and the unnecessary is no longer useful.


    Some need a small waste basket and others need 10 dumpsters to get rid of their waste. Otherwise we are caring garbage around with us and collecting more as we go.


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  15. Looking at the stars the original GPS system now reduced to not looking and being stuck inside a phone screen.


    Nature 99% emptiness replaced by humans for material objects as knowledge. The classic removed from nature programming seems to be working so we do not discover who we are with or without form

  16. 5 hours ago, MegaMind said:


    Why is it unreasonable that someone in their 80s has cancer?


    Mo Pai has never had a large following, it isn't surprising most have never heard of it.

    whaaat! 117 years of age... no way it must be magic.


    OK here is the thing, More pie has no school pei means school if you have no pei there is no school, no linage.


    Any one that claims to even practice more pie is a beginner at BEST as proven on video (which seems to be important).


    The first day of an average Tai Chi class from teachers with no gung fu  one will learn so many forms...  that being way more than 3b of more pie.


    It is embarrassing to even watch any video connected with more pie, so much  it hurts to watch.


    NOOO one has ever heard of more pie because it is not real


    The obsession with Yin Chi is the most laughable and horribly wrong. The yin Chi or Yin Body or yin Spirit is the manifest, material,  temporary and perishable , it is a waste of time . Using the temporary to approach the eternal is called BAD MEDICINE a major error.  


    Since this "Discussion" of more pie is void of any details as it pertains to correct cultivation  I will dismiss it to comedy that being the tragedy IS to Comedy Thank you for the laughs...Very funny stuff

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