Wu Ming Jen

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Posts posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Looking at genetics there are very very small differences in race.look at your environment are you white and pasty from living in the snowy north or dark from lots of sunshine or hairy because you live outside. We are all humans but those who judge can say we are not the same. superficial? fear, violence,separation, distinctions these things are for mortals who forgot where they came from.

  2. Enlightened human, the power is not given to something outside of ourselves. The gods / deities in the east are actual humans that are living and have lived to inspired us to not be animals but divine humans and be responsible for everything in this world. Interesting to know that god in the east means unified mind.

    Humans can not agree to partial truths or lies. water flows downward. fire flames up it is not a mental concept it just is .Mentalist philosophy puts human thought over reality and is obscured and unable to arrive. Idealist philosophy is evil. All civilization begins with a world view if it does not match up with reality over time it goes out of existence or in the modern west we use patch work to cover up the original mistake as we go along, pre history puts an end to all of this. there is no equal until some thing is unequal there is no wilderness until there is a city, there is no race until a mentalist separates humans from each other based on how something looks,

  3. A lotus blooms from a muddy pool but is not made of mud. The steam is hollow or empty and something beautiful comes into being. Our training does not allow for the outside world to define us. The mountain in many Taoist stories is a metaphor for stillness. All can arrive in a busy city it is the mind that is calm and still in the midst of activity. My son and I were walking out of the mist in the high mountains of China and a Chinese Kung Fu student started laughing and said I thought you were tourist.

  4. Kongming I agree 2500 years ago the world view was polar complete east and west just like Taoist philosophy the Greek movement of absolute fragment philosophy of Socrates won the war of world view changing to absolute fragment from polar complete, which western civilization is built upon. I have studied in China on Wudang Mountain, The Taoist academy now welcomes foreigners to study. One out of a hundred will make it no matter what race. When we put opposites in two separate and opposing groups with no relationship between each other that is friction and it will wear out. the Greek philosophy is harmful to humans they were looking for a supernatural second world not looking out for human needs.Humans were made the lower world not able to understand. that power was given to god, In god we trust makes humans not responsible any more. What a bunch of cowards looking for the easy way out, Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is harmful. Knowledge that benefits all beings is a blessing, man is the measure of all things not a pretend second world, so while the west had gods doing stuff to humans and the world around them the east simply observed and nature gave the empirical natural laws, so now days modern astrology is the Chinese system from BC, Quantum physics is the only form of western science that comes close to Taoist science today remarkable

  5. Sorry I meant crisis pictograph is danger + opportunity. This can be argued because of so many different meanings of both characters, much depends on what is being talked about and placement of pictographs used before and after. In the context of polar complete philosophy of Lao Tzu this meaning makes perfect sense , English with absolute meaning and fragment of the whole way of language makes this pictograph of crisis stand out.

  6. Lao Tzu mentions the great mystery If you can enter the gate with intellectual thinking please share. This is dark this is light compared to each other using mind is easy. Now if these two things are one mind goes what? We can see how they complete each other and become a whole But how can we know something not compared to something else. There maybe nothing to know. We come from the unknown original mind is tranquil and peaceful what need for concepts or words at all? Only my opinion which is partial knowledge.

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  7. If I forget about the words and the translations because there are so so many. First chapter,Tao is not a what,what ever we say is not the true Tao. Visible forms can be talked about (named) but see the formless in form and see form in the formless.Seeing the unseen is truly seeing. seeing with just the eyes is no good, human mind is no good, These concepts In TTC are beyond intellectual, rational and discriminating mind..This is where the mystery lies, the gate. The author wants to point out how limited human mind is and provokes the reader to use a different mode of mind to follow and understand. The Tao or shinning mind is always with us but is used less as the self takes over as the lead role of life.This is where the Greeks went wrong 2500 years ago using rational mind to understand the world with out transcending mind itself. The line about we call it two things but is one source is yin and yang these two are actually one.Just like talking about different internal organs of the body but really there is one body. This is my story today and it will change the next day Tranquility and peace to all

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  8. Giving a quick hello as instructed so I can join in the conversations else where. Wu Ming Jen comes from a Taoist story meaning human no name. I have been studying for long time. Recently back from Wu Dang Mountain in China, 7 hours of Internal Kung Fu a day and I have a passion for Taoist Alchemy and so on.