Wu Ming Jen

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Posts posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. 6 hours ago, GSmaster said:


    It was probably an authoritarian cult.

    And the government of china is a cult in itself, and so there was a conflict of power and interests between them.

    So they disposed of Falun Gong in a most brutal and merciless way.

    Thing is they would not have a reason to do this if it was just some set of exercises or a kungfu school. But when there is a hardwired ideology involved and it goes against the communist party...

    Some people believe that if FG was banned in china it is some secret special internal art (which seems to be an idea behind Gokus mind), it is not.

    Do the research on the founder it is far from secret or special. It is mostly made up from parts of different stuff.


    Anyone with experience in the internal martial arts will quickly point out multiple errors. If you do not have kung fu what is that called again ... flower fist and brocade leg meaning someone with no skill doing some set of exercises.


    My favorites are the mind junkies that have zero skill and can not apply the knowledge Mind clutter with no real life application what a waste of time


    Have you ever been to a FG class?  I have in person


    Stay away! very, very far away from Failing Gong .


    There are sooo many authentic and time tested schools of chi gung in countless formats. Chi gung is  just one part of the equation for a perfected warrior. 



    Fulan gong was huge in the 90s, the Chinese government after chairman Mao's death in the 70s supports all traditional Kung Fu schools. The foundation of Chinese civilization is again  not to  be put down.


    Shaolin  is vacant during the Chinese revolution and is restored. Wudang wrote on all the temples walls long live chairmen Mao so the red guards could not destroy the temples. My teaches teacher refuses to leave Wudang .Masters are sent across the globe and reunited in the  80s. After Mao's death the nationalist government embraces their long traditions of civilization.


    So why is falun gong put down and stopped by the government when they were funded by the government at first.  


    Li has asserted his absolute authority over the transmission of the teachings and the use of healing powers of Falun Gong: he said in Changchun that only he is possessed of these right, and any who violate are to be expelled. Do we see a problem here?


    Fulan gong attracts controversy, hello the law of attraction. Li Hongzhi said that things such as organized crime, homosexuality, and promiscuous sex, and so on are not standards of being human . Li had many outlandish ideas and the position  he assumed would have to make him a god or enlightened light giver or something. Just doesn't sound like the immortals I have met,


    The blend of Buddhism that is not Buddhism is weird to me  it is like using buzz words to promote your brand, seriously its is awful.


    The founder fucked up the people that practiced became fucked up. When you harm your own citizens and the social fabric of the longest civilization on earth that raises some serious questions and good for you China that shit is  not tolerated.

    • Like 2
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  3. I think Sean visited his own site for a short time to stop the Trump political threads. Being a supporter of trump must be embarrassing at best and he did not want anyone on TDB to look like an idiot. IMO


    Did I just break all the rules?  What rules? A least 2 people will be offended on this site who are dumber then Trump, my apologize in advance for your limited mental ability.

    • Like 2

  4. How many layers of chi are there? Bones, marrow, sinews, tendons, nerve system like branches of a tree, blood circulation creeks, streams, rivers and oceans of blood. Repository system , pores, hair, skin. The chi, vitality energy and spirit the commanders of a living being. Can we feel our body and FEEL how it is functioning. Is mind quiet enough to even notice.......Maybe or not.


    If we go to a doctor and do not know what is wrong with us how can a doctor that does not live in our body know our body better then we do? Really does not make any sense to me.


    So feeling Chi to me is to jump back into your body and do not allow the spirit to run off and search the endless search or for the mind to jump from one thing to another thing with distraction and external sensory stimulation. Worst is the mental clutter with zero applications in real life.


    Just as Marblehead's sage advice was.... sit down and shut up. (not everyone will get that, RIP)



    • Like 3

  5. Just now, Earl Grey said:


    That said, I'm happy to meet other people like you eventually and touch hands for those with martial bent and do some exchange, representing at the very least my Xin Yi and Taijiquan lineages and eventually all four of my martial lineages (and eventually Akashic and Vedic lineages). 

    So great.

    • Like 2

  6. 17 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    My intent is not to study with “better” teachers, but to have fun learning something that is also established as what works and is good. The Five Immortals temple looks like it does, but until I touch hands, I won’t know. We’ll see. I’m happy with what I have; everything else is a treat afterwards.

    Being happy with what we have is some high level stuff. IMO

    • Like 1

  7. Love it! Do not give up the near for the far.


    I had the karma to go to Wudang and before I had the means to go to the mountain and study I met a Taoist priest from Wudang who came to my home town and taught me some stuff... what kind of odds are that? This inspired me to fulfill my own personal destiny.


    I am not waving the flag of my own linage everyone's path can be right for them at the right time in their life.

    • Like 5

  8. So someone asked what is the international language? (not yet because I keep posting with no replies) The answer is a combination of intention, body language and mental state of being. Everyone in the world can understand us with out any words.


    The down side is we can not deceive and miss lead others with words, words greatest gifts are to say the half truths of our experience with false energetic quality. This makes for great actors and actress. What movies are made of...so great!

    • Like 3

  9. 14 seconds and no replies yet. Good night, see you all in a week or so.


    (Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt". Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although sarcasm is not necessarily ironic. Most noticeable in spoken word, sarcasm is mainly distinguished by the inflection with which it is spoken and is largely context-dependent).

    • Haha 3

  10. On 3/10/2020 at 11:10 PM, statusquovadis said:

    Hi guys, I've been reading and digesting stuff for about a month now, and thought this may be good time to ask the question on where to go from here. It's either this or casting yarrow stalks :)


    A bit of background, which may be relevant, else just skip to the next paragraph. I did a fair bit of external and internal martial arts from early teens to early twenties, with no specific emphasis on qi. In fact my mind back then was rejecting it for various reasons, despite some evidence of something beyond what is strictly physical. In the early 20s, I activated the microcosmic orbit through a description in Dr Glenn Morris book. Still didn't know what I was doing, asked my taichi teacher but he couldn't (or wouldn't) tell me more, other than that being an indication of spiritual powers. I left it alone, started working and forgot all about it. A few years later I did KAP1 online, and that made me more comfortable with the idea of working safely with spiritual powers. But it was the beginning of many years of struggle with depression and working through "stuff", so again I left it behind. Several years later, I had a serious accident and that brought about some change. It sounds clichèd, all that stuff about searching inside and finding meaning, borne out of the realization that youth and this body I took for granted wouldn't last forever. I started meditating and going to silent retreats. I'm now in a comfortable place for about two years, with a sense of effortlessness of life unfolding on its own accord. I still practice meditation, but in that tradition it is widely believed that eventually one would need to be a monastic in order to work towards full enlightenment, which I feel is not my path in this life. Or rather, taking the path of least resistance, this is not where my life is going. 


    At this juncture Daoism seems to lay out a path of integration as a non-religious lay practitioner. I'm interested in the philosophical aspects of it, reading DDJ and got Dan Reid and Pregadio lined up, but another part is still curious about energy works, just wanting to see where this leads to. 


    Looking at the bigger picture, it seems like I worked on jing (thus affecting ming) up to mid-twenties. Then started working on xing in late thirties, through intensive meditation practice. Now I'm returning to work on ming, to fix physical issues that came by aging, accidents, and the strain of sedentary life. Self diagnosis, could be totally off: the three fields are fairly balanced presently. MCO and side branches of the thrusting meridians are open, as well as some meridians down the limbs and back. Some imbalances between the left and right, attributed to old injuries, and between the yin and yang vessels (yin vessels need some work). Thrusting vessel and baihui opening only partial, though fortunately not causing any serious issues.


    The question is, what does one do from here? I have read some books, but feel it can only get so far. Some options would be:

    - Join a big name teacher's retreat (e.g. Wang Li Ping, Damo Mitchell, Mantak Chia, etc.), but this would probably be a one-off without any follow up, and requires coordinating leave from work.

    - Join one of the teaching institutions in China, thinking of the Five Immortals temple, or Wudang Daoist Kungfu Academy, they are open year round, easier to schedule and the teachers seem more accessible. Will need to learn some Mandarin.

    - Find a local teacher. I have a couple of names of teachers with a lineage but the class is very much health qigong. How does one get through the door, should I wait until we know each other better, or get a private lesson? Will it be necessary to become a formal disciple?


    Any answers, comments or suggestions much appreciated 🙏😺


    Five immortal temple and Wudang Taoist association academy's with its many places to learn (long men pei dragon gate.... for real)  are the way to go in my most biased opinion possible . Stay away from Mantak Chia he thinks that vitality or jing is purely sexual energy and a physical substance like semen not to also include blood and saliva at the physical level AND what about the non physical, did he think about that! the other half of the story?....Funny right?..... (Sex Sells, 101 marketing and misguided at best).

    • Like 7

  11. Glad to see my state government setting restrictions, stay at home, curbside stay in your car delivery for food and so on. All cases of the virus in our state is because of travel from other countries and neighboring states.


    The feds are the ones to restrict travel nationwide and inbound flights as well as isolate hot spots with no travel. Too little being done to restrict travel. 


    State governors need to act before federal government at this time to protect the people of the sates they represent IMO

    • Like 1

  12. 59 minutes ago, Taomeow said:


    I've tried, many times, but the problem is, there's no math from China that is not supplied by the CCP.  So maybe we can do history instead.


    China reported 0 deaths from the Great Leap Forward.  (What they meant to say was 30 million as it turned out.) 


    Or we can do epidemiology.  Before coronavirus, their flu epidemic was reported to have resulted in 144 deaths.  In a country of 1.4 billion.  


    The kind of math to look at now is sort of indirect.  E.g., their 3 major cell phone providers lost over 14 million subscribers in the months of January and February.  Something that never happened in the prior 23 years of their existence.  I wonder what happened to those folks.  Probably just got tired of their cell phones while quarantined and decided to stop using them?..   

    It is all true the up side and the down side. We are talking about the largest population of the world. It dwarfs all of western population, so the numbers are skewed at the best assumption. Is Italy about the same size Florida?

    • Like 1

  13. My elders were forced to go to war. Being forced to stay at home???? seriously is that really a bad thing. We do curb side delivery for those that are committed to laying low, self quarantines. and all of that, it is 100% awesome as well.


    We did everything we could to protect the environment by bring our bag to the grocery store and we buy all the toilet paper to stop the spreed of this virus, Really we did everything we could.

  14. I am a businesses owner of a natural and health food grocery (privately owned food co-op) and restaurant. At this time we are following state laws of restaurant closing, school closings, libraries, music hall and the rest. We have not unemployed anyone. As one aspect of the business fails the other parts are extremely busy. As a grocery business we have been declared emergency workers for our state, for the time being.


    Maybe someday the federal government will step in and limit travel. The cases in our small town are a person traveling from England and another from California. Check out this video of life in China and the restrictions in place to control the spread of disease.