Wu Ming Jen

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Posts posted by Wu Ming Jen


    2 minutes ago, awaken said:







    you said so well

    But I don't want to care about this man anymore

    I've put him on the ignore list

    I don't want to waste time with someone who can't communicate





    This person has no pre-heaven Qi at all, but is talking about it, which is very inappropriate behavior

    So I don't want to talk to blind people like this

    You must put me on ignore to protect yourself. I agree. The self is a fragile thing and not forever

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  2. 4 hours ago, awaken said:








    I understand why you can't read what I wrote

    Cultivation is like that

    Your level is too bad, you can't understand anything

    Your level is about the level I was 25 years ago, the gap is too big, and you are too complacent, so the bridge of communication cannot be established

    It's useless to say more


    If you don't want to learn, please don't leave your message here.

    Did you see the title {if you want to learn....}?

    I don't want to talk too much with hostile people

    Please keep your hostility in your own heart

    I understand why you can not understand what i am saying because because you are lost in yourself and method. You are not able to transcend yourself and are stuck in the physical realm, the illusion of self.


    Your teaching are shallow and depend on words from the past with no true application. You can fool yourself and others but some day you might want to grow up. Your insults show your immaturity like a child. 


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  3. When all things are empty we can see that things are just a reflection of ourselves.


    As soon as we name things we negate the rest of their existence.


    Wu Wei is a reflection. The awareness of mind.


    When things are done spontaneously without preconceived thoughts of how things are or are supposed to be

    then our action or non action of responding benefits all things without exclusion.


    When our Chi is tuned to a higher frequency by doing the physical work driving out the pollution of post heaven chi and mind

    then the pre heaven chi will rush in and fill our body with no worry of method.

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  4. WudangDao.com Cultural Institute.


    Master Bing has a Ba Gua dvd and is a great source for on line classes from wudang mountain.


    I have ben taking classes since covid hit. Guqin instrument, Tai He dao and tai chi sword. Learning live in real time on line has been amazing. you can ask questions, get corrections on a more personal level of training.

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  5. 2 hours ago, stirling said:


    Buddhism does not explain this explicitly, but the prajna/wisdom of enlightenment reveals that such questions don't make sense anymore. Specifically, it is seen that time is flat (no past or future, all arising happening now), therefore the question of a beginning is nonsense.


    Was I talking about the beginning or the ending of anything? I was not. Was I talking about the The Tao, yes I was. The nonsense you are talking about has a very good chance of being your own. I am not concerned if you miss the point  over and over again. The fulcrum is the point of the first post.


    Being and not being are a simultaneously existing while we have a body and when we do not. 


    To know the end you need to go back to the beginning before you where born. we come from no thing and return to no thing. This may sound like a foreign language to you and it is OK.  The point is where the eternal Tao begins it is both material and the formless part of being in our daily lives.


    Alive or dead we did not go anywhere. We have always be one with the Tao. Only our minds and post heaven conditioning can make the separation. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, TranquilTurmoil said:

    In my knowledge of Buddhism, Buddhism actually denies a creator. In Theravada/the Pali Canon, I believe the Buddha states that the Universe has no discernible beginning, that no one can pinpoint the origin in Samsara. The other explanation which seems to be rooted in Mahayana (or possibly Vajrayana) belief, that everything comes from Shunyata (emptiness)... and by some sort of cosmic misfortune from what I discern? That emptiness started grasping at itself, thus becoming individualized, and eventually going through the  "Six realms" all the way from heaven, down through the human/earthly existence, all the way to the lower realms (and hopefully back again!). This is my understanding of Buddhist metaphysics/origin theory, thought it might clarify.

    That's cool, Buddha means enlightened one everyone can become a buddha. Emptiness is empty. Void contains all and nothing. Emptiness that is empty is not true emptiness.


    According to Buddhist teaching, the Buddha refused to answer questions about the origins of the Earth. As a result, Buddhists do not tend to focus on questions that they cannot answer. Rather, the focus is on the concerns of the present and how to avoid suffering in the here and now. Nevertheless, Buddhists believe that as with life, worlds follow a cycle of decay, death and rebirth.


     The Taoist complete reality school contains Buddhism and Confucius ties it all together like strands of a broom. There is sameness in difference and difference in sameness.


    The material life should be mastered first hence Buddhism is awesome in this respect. 

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