Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. is it possible to see chi?

    What is the color of light?
  2. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    Jin is manifested energy, we see the effect. Strike to solar plexus straight causes the feeling of nausea, strike downward causes loss of air, cant breath,strike up effects the heart can be fatal. This is not the friendly wave jin power that goes thru the body but jin power that stays inside the body. Rubbing jin for some locations, filing jin like filing the tendons on the back of the neck can cause loss of consciousness.There are many kinds of jins, spiral jin cause opponent to spiral and so on. Many locations with a simple palm strike or fist is too large of an area to have any effect, this is why there are so many hand forms depending on location and the effect it is going to have on the body. Internal awareness in one's own body is feeling, feeling is communication of body and mind. E=motion (energy in motion) causes a response in the body,these energies we are most familiar with. Thats why the emotions are called thieves. Once we have a feeling of energy and can lead it with our mind using intention is a very powerful practice for health and awareness.
  3. is it possible to see chi?

    Seeing the unseen is truly seeing.This seeing is not done with the eyes, When we use a general term Chi it refers to the invisible aspect of life. I believe you can see chi in Dragon Ball Z and some schools that recruit big egos thirsty for power, you know those people we are not allowed to teach and pass on the true transmission. We have McDonalds fast learn kung fu because there is money to be made and It not about the best interest of the students.Looks just like a hamburger, taste great but no nutrients and harmful chemicals for the body.
  4. Who Am I?! I Am Who!

    The truth is there is no you because you do not know who you are, you are unknown, you are something that can not be known. Get rid of knowing and something is left over what is this something, It is not a what or a who. Truth is also untrue. what is, is what is in non contrivance. Searching the endless search just exhaust your spirit, The great image is image-less what else do you seek? The mind is like a monkey attaching itself to all that is seen and felt. Bridal the horse (spirit) and leash the monkey (mind).
  5. Standing post is literally standing on post not driven into the ground. Balance, when the body is balanced (like balancing a stick on your palm) the use of muscles are lessened and the skeleton supports your posture held by the sinews and tendons. When the body is balanced it is called sinking when the muscle lets go it is called rooting. With a relaxed body standing with correct body mechanics and proper posture energy flows through all channels (Grand Heavenly Circulation) with no effort on our part. Practicing low horse stance with a staff across your thighs the legs muscles should be relaxed to test progress. Another test is to squat down grab right toes with right hand and stand up on left leg as many times as you can then the same opposite side called a Cranes Dip Standing post is not a chi following mind thing it is about opening the channels naturally with no effort with proper posture. The body follows mind like a shadow as sadness is an out of alignment sunken posture and extreme joy is an out of alignment stretched out rising posture so we can see how emotions affect the body. The lower body being sunk and rooted and the upper body being light and lifted is balance as well. Open awareness happens naturally with standing post hear the birds sing, the wind blow and the lawn mower mow. at the same time internal awareness develops as well. The depth of a simple standing exercise is endless as there is a sky above the sky, the work is never completed.
  6. Qi

    This is a chi test.... fill one tea cup with some sand or dry dirt open eyes wide and blow into the cup. eyes fill with sand, chi in action This is a chi test...put on blindfold because your eyes hurt after first test and face a wall. Have a willing partner stand behind you and throw tennis balls at you,after being hit many times you will start to move out of the way using magic chi ability, I mean natural ability of not wanting to be hit anymore. This is a chi test... stay blindfolded and hold your hands out palms facing each other then have partner pass their hand in between yours, when you sense their hand clap it... This is a chi test...fill a tire tube with chi and float down a river. then do not fill tire tube with chi and sink in the misery of uncertainty and confusion. So many ways to use chi so little time. I demonstrate the line of ten or more people pushing against me. Using proper body mechanics in ward off I am not moved. The energy is like a boat riding on the waves a small adjustment by me sends the energy or force in another direction neutralizing it. When the wave has less force I push and knock the line down. when the wave is full of strength I pull and the line comes tumbling down. It looks cool but each person is neutralizing each others force so the strength of the whole line is not really being applied. Ok last chi test, walk into a room you can tell if it is joyful or sad. when you look behind you and someone is looking at you, totally natural with no training.
  7. The Tao of Dying

    Normally I keep my light of awareness in a lantern so the flame is not disturbed or does not go out. Today I open it to a GENTLE WIND and the flame burns brighter. The light of one moon reflected in a thousand ponds. This moonlit pond is clean, this moonlit pond is dirty, this moonlit pond is still, this moonlit pond is choppy. I just see one light and it is none of those things. "I went out tiger hunting with my elephant and gun" the tiger turned out to be a wise ass and said if you do not mind death, death does not matter, it has no place to be. So I quickly took down my house for death that I housed in my mind and went searching for my mind. After realizing I had no mind this light of awareness shined on the world like one moon reflecting a thousand ponds.
  8. Daoism, Ecology, and action

    "Please do not litter you are the enviroment" I saw this sign translated to english in China it made me think how there is really no separation between us and environment. In the west we like to think we are individuals and separate from nature. Man against nature funny religion. So If we are separate from nature what harm can we do. If we are nature why would we harm ourselves. If you could make millions of dollars with patented genetically modified seeds that nature otherwise gives natural seeds for free, that is the mental illness we are looking at.Plant an apple seed and how many apples do you get each year once it is a tree,lots. Nature is very generous, man is greedy and out of touch.
  9. inhaling vs exhaling

    Hey Mike, What I do to send energy down the descending channel standing is to give the body a 5% tilt forward and exhale. some systems focus on energy rising and ignore the downward movement which can create illnesses. To help with sleeping laying down (as crazy as it might sound) is bring your energy / attention to the feet. Point and flex and rotate feet clockwise and the counterclockwise for a number of times. One should never force the breath. The energy of rising and sinking is only visualization tool until you get the feeling and you train your body to follow the mind. Most people get frustrated learning say tai chi because their body does not do what the mind wants it to do. The "heat /fire travels up the spine. The cool / water descends the front of the body. Imagine cooling your seat of emotions, heart with cooling mist descending. You do not want to fire up things that are already "hot". The breath of attention will warm the lower elixir field which rises up the spine. to keep the fire not too hot or not too cold is the mixing of the rising and sinking energy aka fire / water method. Kundalini is about opening awareness, to collect this energy/trying to achive in the upper field is not so good. We can not force a flower to bloom.
  10. inhaling vs exhaling

    What happens in a bath tub and you inhale and exhale, what does the body do? When we stand up the lower body sinks and the upper body rises ( negative and positive poles), two energies simultaneous If we had just sinking energy we would not be able to leave the ground and move if we had just rising energy we would all just float off into space.
  11. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    Without earth there is no foundation or unifying principle for the elements or five agents to go. Meaning not static material aspect of each element but energy aspect as fire rises and water sinks. The western 4 elements does not have a unifying aspect just as all western science, each branch of science is absolute and independent. Polar complete reality as opposed to absolute fragment science. The difference is to say darkness is absolute and independent to light the fragment is when you say out of all the elements water is the creative, just like the bible, just like western science. So religion and western science is fundamentally the same. Polar complete science of the taoist shows that nothing is absolute and polar opposites complete each other like dark and light.White and black are not polar complete, red and black are when it comes to colors. Extreme heat is purple returning to black more energy than matter reverting to black/no heat. Red is the most energetic and black is the least. All we have to do is look at a fire burning matter and nature tells us what's up. When we get the mind involved to say whats up, it is then a mentalist construct of science putting mind over nature.And here comes an endless amount of theories with no empirical evidence. The two systems are fundamentally not the same. Western scientist are stuck in there pyridium not able to escape no matter how brilliant they are. We are more familiar with the alternative to transcend our own culture than a western trained mind. People with no knowledge of science understand the world better than western scientist because of the fundamental mistake, absolute fragment understanding of the world.
  12. The Tao of Dying

    I will definitely go into the cave and face the tiger with you. My skill with Tiger Taming Boxing needs to be kept up to speed. I did think you were trying to save humanity (and yourself)contemplating the best way to deal with death,a battle well worth fighting for.
  13. The Tao of Dying

    you're missing the point and not seeing the humor. I think all couples should be gay (happy) on a side note. You seem to have great self love are you distressed you will lose this self in death? You seem to be very level headed and in a good situation does this create a fear of loss? I See loss and gain as the same I see birth and death as the same I use one to know the other. Self discovery, Going into the tiger's cave takes courage, having others do it for you is the act of a coward.
  14. The Tao of Dying

    I am both
  15. The Tao of Dying

    Who in their right mind writes this stuff???
  16. The Tao of Dying

    This is Mr Wu, I wrote the last post for you to have fun with sree. I loaded it with lots of ammunition for you to use (except the first line). Self consciousness once you get it even Adam and Eve will put clothes on. Seems like a mental disorder to me. Mind on the drug of knowledge. Don't do drugs Craving what happens when we get rid of that? If you want to know the tao of dying there might be simply nothing to "know". Its still fun to speculate and argue about. How many religions do we have now that speculates about the afterlife.We have so many religions because everyone can not agree on things that are not true. Taoism is the exception when it comes to speculation Its focus is on direct experience and the transmission beyond words, to others it could be something completely different. This is a great meditation if you are open to it, Investigate uncontrived
  17. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    All those obstructed by the three obstacles of reification, nothingness, and emptiness are unable to reconcile the three teachings of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. This results in sectarian differences and disputes. Confucians criticize the nothingness of Taoism, Taoists criticize the emptiness of Buddhism, Buddhists criticize the path of Confucianism—and so it goes on endlessly, back and forth. They do not realize that the basis is really one, even though the doctrines may be different. The perception is divisive because they are obstructed by their principles. These are Ancestor Lu's words. This is not a direct insult to anyone that may be obstructed. The views expressed in this post are not affiliated with this poster. You must be old enough to read to consume this product. If you have blurriness or trouble reading see an eye doctor right away. May contain sarcasm viewer discretion is advised.
  18. Past Lives Just a Myth?

    I'm so old that I have countless past lives in one lifetime. I remember a beginningless and endlessness sort of thing in which I was never me so I can't remember past not me. My body was born and then "I" was created. After that "I" forgot before I, Then I decided to turn around and walk back into the door of life. Reincarnation sure thing I have reincarnated and changed many times already.
  19. Contraction Exercise

    Here is one for fun. Bow and arrow stance, weight on front leg, INHALE move backwards (switching weight to back leg), at same time (contract compress) clench fist (drawing fist to the waist) clench teeth together close eyes. Then move forward EXHALE (switching weight to front leg), all at the same time release teeth, open fist (bringing hands out from waist), open eyes. Inhale is closing moving back, gathering compressing like pushing down a spring. Exhale is open, advance, releasing the force of the spring, This is basic open close movements. In this exercise tense the muscles on inhale and release on exhale. The way force is issued in Tai Chi Chuan is to throw all the joints open (not contracting the muscles as in some styles) The muscles do not need to be tence to to properly compress the "internal spring" this is just an exercise to get a feel of it and the release is very powerful.
  20. The Tao of Dying

    This is Mr Wu returning to life from death, a clear breeze under the bright moon coming and going, the scenery unobstructed. When you look at life and death in reverse you break right through. writings are not real explanations of the Way. they allude to something else you can dispense with all the writings and on that note here is a bunch of writing. There are both pleasant and unpleasant situations: the pleasant are considered easy, the unpleasant are considered difficult. To enter the world is easy, to leave the world is hard. It is better to not be conscious of the future. We need to get rid of that consciousness along with a few others The primordial uncontrived, it has nothing to it that could be contrived. When you reach nonexistence of even un-contrivance, there is no nonexistence of non-contrivance, and so no nonexistence of nonexistence. This nonexistence of nonexistence is the primordial, yet the primordial contains everything. It is because there is the primordial that there is the temporal. So there is nothing different in life and death, we are already here, we never left, and we are not going anywhere even though we might think we are. The open spirit never dies no worries we are all apart of the primordial not more in sages not more in the unaware.
  21. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    We could argue that hinduism is fundamentally the same as western religion. All religions are fundamentally the same, buddhism is the exception although saturated with hinduism in some cases. This is why there is sameness, are there two worlds one higher and one lower and something else other than human is responsible or is there just one world and we are responsible? If we are not responsible then it releases us from being divine beings and taking care of each other. When there is something else responsible we will fight each other to the death to make you believe what the something is. The problem is something is not a what The philosophical and religious blunder of one sex being higher and one lower comes from the two world split / divided mind in which taoism is the exception. To be ignorant of woman being servant to man in a very long history of the western civilization which includes India is beyond belief especially for someone that lives in India or is it Indiana?
  22. Contraction Exercise

    Namo, The movement of your exercise is the beginning in most forms, that's not sitting. Contraction compression is storing or moving inward, redirecting, pull or lift to move something that has weight and force. Squat down inhale and rise, then do the opposite breath, it takes more effort to exhale while rising.. I'm not judging or have any agenda Just some points for energy work things should not get confused. .If you exhale and contract you are using the force against your own physical body.Energy work and martial application relies on what is natural with out too much thought /effort and having maximum force. If something is rising naturally and you force it down it is causing stress. You can do what you want but after trying your method I would not suggest it. On a physical level the mussels are being contracted with to much yang force with exhale and is opposite of what is natural..What is natural is not contrived by mind. there are too many technical errors in the method to ignore, sorry I am a professional in this matter. Maybe something to mention is the internal and external movement is in harmony so to lift out side force ( rising energy) one uses inhale compression.strength To press down exhale (sinking energy) strength.If there is and upward movement there is also a downward movement. Same with all directions being matched and balanced. yin and yang must be clearly defined and not confused.
  23. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Patch work is when something does not line up with reality so add women to temples. Add mother Mary, its not that the original mistake was fixed, just patched, Hebrew changed the female essence to the role of a man that doesn't line up with reality because there is not just man and not just women. Its all mud to me and I don't like being stuck..I like to be free and have all systems complement each other.
  24. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Taoism is about balance and harmony with all things it does not verse anything. You're a buddhist thats great, you eat meat thats great, you eat plants that's great. The mind is not divided. One can be a taoist christian if thats your way. There are no set or fixed ways, all things are in a state of transformation and change. When men and woman are in balance they complete each other and give birth to life. One sex is not better than the other, each have their own roles. Equality only begins when things are out of balance with each other. Intellect damages the spirit and makes sprit run around searching the endless search. The stories we read are about us becoming better people. If it is not working and full of restrictions and obstacles to our path just change your way.
  25. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Blow up a balloon (EXHALE) the belly naturally expands, This is reverse breathing ,bringing the maximum force out from the body, exhale, belly and energy expands, emit energy, move something heavy forward . Inhale lift something heavy, swallow energy landing on the body, belly contracts lift, rise, contract and so on. How to mix prenatal and postnatal energy is ALSO RBM. When we are babies we breath from the belly and move from (center) the lower dan tien. As we get older the center moves to chest level and we chest breath. The last breath is from the mouth. Reverse this process bring center and breathing back to the lower location this is called going the other way. Buddhist breathing has its place as well depends on what inaction / intention one is doing. natural breathing to me is with the lungs, chest level. My natural breathing is now RBM. The sage breaths from his heals, the whole body is involved in breathing. I trust anything Master Yang Jwing Ming teaches I know him long time, his information is a treasure to all modern martial artist.