Wu Ming Jen

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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. I can no longer work on stolen Soviet patents

    In the late 1940s, Perle Mesta, the American ambassador to Luxembourg, was hanging out in the bar at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels. The establishment’s bartender, Gustave Tops, decided to make a signature drink for her, the Black Russian. The Cold War was just starting, so creating a dark, mysterious drink by mixing Russian vodka with KahlĂșa was appropriate for the time. The stolen Soviet patents for making vodka was used Gustave to make the drink. Perle was known in Washington as “the Hostess with the mostes’.” serving Black Russians to President Harry Truman he played the piano while General Dwight Eisenhower apparently drunk on the stolen Russian vodka patent and new mixer sang “Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes” celebrating the great USA victory of Russian Vodka. This is how it all innocently begins in the dark world of stolen Russian patents. By the way Trump is not actually the president that is fake news. President Trump is actually a reality TV show made to appear real. The Russian film company that produces President Trump is taking America for a ride and it is patented and protected.
  2. Primative Technology

    It is awesome to see "modern people" use ancient alien technology. It is obvious how primitive and dumb our ancestors where with no technology at all. It all makes me feel so good and advanced about myself and how great we are all now compared to our ancestors. ( besides the point that we are all alive today but I just chalk that up to good luck.) sar·casm ˈsĂ€rˌkazəm/ noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment" synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing; I do enjoy how we use all the same creations for survival using modern devises to do it today. I had to have a front end alignment done for my land rover and the "machine was broken so of course they could not do the job without a machine, that is convenient. Medical system is so advanced today you can tell them what is wrong But they need and MRI machine and some other gadgets and a computer so they can TRY to figure it out. sad·ness ˈsadnəs/ noun the condition or quality of being sad. "a source of great sadness" synonyms: unhappiness, sorrow, dejection, depression, misery, despondency, despair, desolation, wretchedness, gloom, gloominess, dolefulness, melancholy, mournfulness, woe, heartache, grief; informalthe blues "our sadness cannot be measured"
  3. first introduction

    Very exciting background welcome.
  4. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 47

    Your right Zork I was joking around and derailed the thread a bit. I even made up my pretend standpoint of allegory of the cave. The Chinese Philosophy is a Philosophy of cosmos as well as philosophy of life. Since the Greek Philosophy is rather reflective, it more separates these areas of thoughts. Born as a thinking of nature, the Greek Philosophy only later reflected upon life – beginning with Socrates. Socrates inherited also wisdom, not concerned as Philosophy before him: he followed the inscription over the entrance to the Apollo Temple in Delphi, stating “Know thyself” and “Not too much”. Such wisdom is a part of Chinese philosophy from its very start – since we have given a more broad definition of philosophy in China. But this wisdom becomes part of Greek Philosophy through Socrates. Socrates was provoked by the sophists, stating relativism and lack of obedience to the gods, the denial of the old values, the virtues belonging to the former aristocratic society. The sophists belonged to the new time, not based upon cultivating inherited land with the use of slaves, a land that originally was appropriated by warfare and courage; the sophist represented the new culture that was based upon trade and craft. Socrates wanted to restore the old values, to reformulate them in a way, where they could enter into the new time. The spiritual strength is general in Chinese tradition in combination with the training of the body. This is seen especially in the Chai Ch’i. It is the spiritual training itself that is the crucial dividing point. The Eros as such can exceptionally take the place even as the Tao itself: in Plato’s dialogue Symposium, Eros is the seek for ones lost other half-part[vii].¹ The theme of duality: the Chinese conception of Yin and Yang versus Pythagorean teaching. The theme of duality is expressed in the relation between Yin and Yang, where these are balanced in harmony. This is stressed in the Taoism, The real Tao is hidden for us. Itself it is the fundamental way and order of contrasts. But we can come to it through many ways; each of these ways is a little Tao-path leading to the Great Tao, and still, in the end somehow a part of it. The Greek philosophy gives us many such fine paths. We must seek harmony in the contrasts, and not reject the contrasts, but somehow take them in our-selves – so that we find our own little path, our own Tao both to and in the Great Tao as such. Maybe the Western way of thinking and action in general, and its philosophy in particular, must be considered more in the side of Yang. But even so, in its origin, in the Greek Philosophy, there was a search for harmony, for balance between oppositions; and several conceptions expressed this quest, as we have seen. Later on, in the Christianity Gods creation of man expressed the Yang: man was in a special condition for naming the animals and conquering land etc. But man’s position after the Fall, the demand for forgiving others, and for loving others not with Eros but with the sacrificing Agape, became the contend of Jesus’ own preaching and expresses the Yin side of Christianity. It must, however, be said that, traditionally, the humility towards nature has not been so emphasized in Christianity, which in this regard especially must be seen as a Yang-religion. But recently, also in this respect attempts have been made in order to reinterpret Christianity in the direction of Yin: nature, too, is created and must be respected as such – man is not the owner and master of it: we are part of nature, and must not destroy the balance of the environment. The Western way of living and thinking must learn from the Eastern understanding of harmony and balance. But the modern Eastern way of living, on the other hand, must learn not to repeat the failures of the West. The West has, however, to reconsider its own Greek tradition in the light of the Eastern tradition.
  5. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 47

    Lets pretend we have prisoners shackled and facing a wall with a fire burning behind them and I will tell you how they perceive reality and these shadows. Right like this is a normal situation for someone to be born into with such limited perception by being in this cave. Where the prisoners born in the cave or did their memory's have had been erased before getting into the cave. What was the life perception before they got into the cave to know nothing of the sun, they are blinded and when they get use to the sun and all the marvels then they are blind reentering the cave. It is all make believe and nonsensical . who is tending the fire so it does not go out. how are they eating and where do they pee. Being chained up in a cave what aspirations do they have. Will they be free one day. If they know nothing of the outside world then Plato is describing people who are basically vegetables in a non natural situation. This is what makes the story work for Plato he gets the reader involved with a preconditioned thought that is not real to make his point. The point being a higher reality it is done very painfully and just dumb.
  6. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 47

    Plato with his allegory of the cave story is being burned big time by Lao Tzu in chapter 47 Polar complete reality vs absolute fragment reality. Lao Tzu is undefeated with out any effort at all.
  7. The dao bums is a cia experiment.

    www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp96-00792r000200650011-3 Copy and paste this to you browser. The CIA wants you! follow the page links to find the perfect fit . The CIA is the premier agency responsible for providing global intelligence on the ever-changing political, social, economic, technological and military environment. Here, your paramount goal and mission will be to protect the national security of the United States. Virtually any job you can imagine is available at the CIA — plus, some you can’t even imagine.
  8. For memory play your day in rewind. Start when going to bed and go backwards to the time you woke up every day.Take care of the one energy that keeps us alive and the body will follow like a shadow of good health. lack of awareness can lead to injury. Do not worry or fear such things because it will make it happen better to treat the situation as preventative and non issue before it can manifest into an issue.Health wealth and happiness to you.
  9. Find out who this know-er with IQ intelligence is. If you like this person study with academic schools that IQ and intelligence is important.
  10. So Many Qigong Traditions : How To Approach ?

    Why so sad? This is a living art. If I imitated my teacher he would say that is a dead art>When art and life are the same it is yours and alive. It can not be taken from you. The green shoot comes from something very ancient before heaven and earth began,the foundation of creation. You need not be a monkey and go along with creation. Take creation into your own hands and be responsible. Now who's fault is it that the traditions are clinically deceased? I say you are .
  11. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    Just like penicillin being an accident discovery that benefited humanity by mistake. What if we put our minds on humanity or actually had a unifying force to connect all branches of science, Each department of science would be able to talk to each other and have great advancement for humans that would be cool.
  12. Reality vs. Unreality

    Chair today gone tomorrow how unreal and real. My great, great grandfather sat in a chair 400 years ago and now I can not find them anywhere, dust blown into the wind. Real one minute unreal the next. So I bought a new chairs. I mostly just sit on the floor and my chairs get all mad so I am giving them back to my great, great grandfather it is only right because I lost his chairs. Ham sandwich ....tempting.
  13. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    The best part of quantum physics is that we can observe it and change the outcome of the experiment. If science is in the self interest of science and not for humanity it is a waste of time. The best part of science is the attempt to explain something that has already happened. The knowledge of energy and the non physical world allows us to use the information to change the outcome of the experiment, change karma ,change our future, change DNA itself. That is some weird shit.
  14. I was thinking way tooo much, I just orders a noddle bowl form Ramana to go.
  15. This is my take... yes you have a taker....... There is something no matter if we are 4 or 104 that is always with us thru the transformations of life always present always silent it does not know age or youth like an unborn divine spirit to guide us on a journey through space, time, the physical realm, finite and infinite, being, non being such are the transformations of life. Something is always awake it never sleeps, not born or unborn, a mystery upon mystery. The weird part is what if we put this always awake part of us in charge. The self identity would get really pissed off to lose control like that. Just hand it over to the eternal being within us? That makes no sense at all. Personally I am nothing what so ever, a human no name, caring a skin sack full of bones and all of it dust the next minute, who am I to complain. But wait let me jump back into my skin I have a lot to complain about and a lot to disagree about. Papaji makes a great pizza and they deliver. Ramana is a great noodle bowl place down town. definitely check that out.
  16. ćŠšé™æ— ć Movement and Stillness without Deviation and Inclination One should move when time to move, one should be still when it is time to be still time. This is about the right timing of movement and stillness. This is called ‘the Gong of Purity, Tranquillity and Non-action’. When movement and stillness are being inappropriate, then the disaster of Yin and Yang flourishing unilaterally ensues. Yin and Yang will be deviated to one side. This is a hidden danger. The reason is the following: “When movement is in its extreme one must then form stillness. If one is not tranquil, Yang flourishes and injures the Spirit. When stillness is in its extreme one must then form movement. If one is not moving, Yin flourishes and injures Qi. “ Always in Wu-Ji the two earths intermingle and turn into the jade tablet. Wu stands for the thoughts; Ji represents perceptions, the spirit feeling and the sixth sense It draws up an image of Post-Heaven and Pre-Heaven thoughts unifying, the sixth sense merging with the Post-Heaven thoughts, the Pre-Heaven Spirit and Post-Heaven thinking combine into One, congealing into s sphere or circle. Movement and stillness are cycling; Yin and Yang are revolving. Yin turns into Yang, Yang turns into Yin. Without deviation to one side, one is able to obtain the objective. Neidan sitting still in a cave in solitude, no urgent matters, no thing to attend to while fasting and cleansing the body and mind taking out the garbage. This takes place for the endurance of the adept then a minimum break is 28 days. Prior to this practice is the preparation for your body to adjust to fasting in solitude. A person needs to be physically and mentally strong to endure the neidan practice. Sitting under a tree is cool too ,I heard of someone doing that before.
  17. Location of Heaven and Earth When Horizontal

    We are exactly between heaven and earth. The center of the compass, let all images go, Lying, sitting, standing, moving, stillness so are the changes Still one minute active the next that is craziness what makes it so?. The changes eternal, up and down, in and out, this way and that way. In the center of the compass action is perfected, stillness is perfected and all is well. Where there is motion, that motion proceeds from immobility; where there is action, that action proceeds from inactivity. Where there is inactivity, the spirit reverts to its original; and when the spirit thus reverts, all things become still. Where there is no motion, the vital force becomes extinct; and the vital force being extinct, all things are produced, all spirits maintain each other; all objects depend upon or help each other, causing the rudiment of all things to revert to its primary source.
  18. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    “Heaven and Humans embody each other (share one Body); Yin Yang are balanced; Mind and body are nourished in unison; An integrated and holistic plan as a whole.” Tao is the origin for the evolutionary creation of life in the universe, Heaven and Earth and the Ten Thousand Things. pursuit of natural harmony, great peace for the country, order for society and concord in family homes. Taoism amply reflects the spiritual and moral life It exerts a far-reaching influence on all facets of life such as the ideologies of Chinese academic sciences, politics and economy, military affairs and strategies, literature and arts, science and technology, the character and personality of its citizens, the ethics of the Way and Virtue, thinking patterns, local customs and traditions, popular beliefs and so on.
  19. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    “The ‘Tai Ji Diagram is precisely the ‘Boundless Infinite Diagram’. The ‘Boundless Infinite’ is exactly Yin embracing Yang, Yang embracing Yin, Yin and Yang not yet being separated, the time of heaven and earth not yet having taken shape.” Fu Xi recognized that before heaven and earth were divided, the universe was Yin-Yang and the primal chaos integrated in one organic entity called the ‘ Infinite Boundless Diagram’. In this condition and state of turbidity, no polarities could be divided. The Tai Ji diagram is commonly called ‘the Yin-Yang Fish’, depicting the state of turbidity before the beginning of the universe, before the opening of heaven and the splitting of earth. At its core is the philosophy of opposition, the philosophical principles of Yin-Yang equilibrium, more profound than language. This kind of turbid condition of the primordial chaos could be roughly divided into four stages: ‘Not yet visible Qi’, ‘the initial Qi’, ‘the commencement of form’, and ‘the formation of matter’; The creation of life is used below to exemplify this point: ‘Not yet visible Qi’: Eventually a Yin egg is formed inside the female ovaries via sublimating over a long time. The mature Yin egg begins to seek a Yang sperm, from the ovaries it advances and enters the Child’s Palace, namely the womb. In the matured males testicles, a Yang sperm forms also through a long period of sublimation. Through the male and female love-making, the Yin egg and the Yang sperm converge in the female womb. If one regards the womb analogy as the Tai Ji diagram’s outer ring, then the Yin egg and the Yang sperm are exactly resembling the Yin and Yang fish inside the Tai Ji diagram. The Yin egg and the Yang sperm will eventually mutually attract each other to one place. This stage is the ‘Not yet visible Qi’ phase, impossible to perceive or sense. ‘The initial Qi’: Once the Yin egg and the Yang sperm happen to collide, they mutually join together, just as the two Yin-Yang fish do inside the Tai Ji diagram, and new transformative combinations begin to grow. ‘The commencement of form’: Once tiny life is formed in the womb, it undergoes chemical changes initiated by the mother’s Yin and Yang, as well as by its own Yin and Yang. Therefore it continues to absorb nutrients, and gradually grows into an “infant”. ‘The formation of matter’: Even though it is gradually and slowly taking shape, there are also sudden bursts. ‘Ten months of pregnancy, every childbirth exactly will rest on quantitative changes causing qualitative changes.” There were no Chinese characters at the era of Fu Xi , the eight drawn images compare well with the characterless heavenly book. Lao Zi in the 《Dao De Jing》 draws up a figurative metaphor: “The Dao gives birth to One, One gives birth to Two, Two gives birth to Three, Three gives birth to the ten thousand things.”
  20. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 42

    In correspondence to above, Three Terraces, Big Dipper, Sun, Moon, Seven Stars, stepping on the Yin Yang, Five Elements, Eight Trigrams, Nine Palaces, Four Directions, Ten Dimensions merge as an organic whole. Pre-heaven essence, qi and spirit, post-heaven intent, qi and strength, unify as one. This is Taoism's thought of the unification of Heaven, Earth and Man emerging in the midst of the form. – äžćˆ«ć±± « Don’t lock the mountain’s gate » : don’t close the knowledge of the great gate ; – 捁æ–č皈戒 « Ten directions take refuge and comply to the precepts » : in the ten direction those who have destiny can study higher theories, and thus elevate themselves ; – 玄äč‹ćˆçŽ„ « Mystery within mystery » : the inner content of the great Dao is too profound ; – äž‡æł•ćœ’çœŸ « Ten thousand laws return to the Truth » : each and every life will return to the inner Truth of the universe.
  21. Reality vs. Unreality

    Nei Dan Barrier 47. Grasping Images The primordial Way gives form to the formless. It is not all this physical body which does work in the world, so where and when does the formless body begin its work? Leaving the body we can no longer discuss the Way. Grasping onto images we neglect truth. The human body is the combination of five illusions. They are externally expressed as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and mouth and internally as the heart, liver, stomach, lungs, and kidneys. When death comes, they will be reduced to a pile of bones and rotting flesh. If one is too attached to their body during cultivation how can they achieve unity of nature and life? One must know that the body creates much toil in this life. Therefore, to preserve the Golden Elixir of the Way the Taoists cultivate their nature and life, cultivating the inner spirit as well as taking well care of the physical body. Our true spirit, the yang spirit has no imperfection. Once the Yang spirit is cultivated, one can enter water without drowning, enter fire without burning, endure as long as heaven and earth, and is as illuminated as the sun and moon. The Tao, Nature and Reality are One. Lao Tzu has it that ultimate reality is also ultimate creation they are one and the same. This is a very unique position. The Master doesn’t try to be powerful; thus he is truly powerful. The ordinary man keeps reaching for power; thus he never has enough. The Master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone. The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done. The kind man does something, yet something remains undone. The just man does something, and leaves many things to be done. The moral man does something, and when no one responds he rolls up his sleeves and uses force. When the Tao is lost, there is goodness. When goodness is lost, there is morality. When morality is lost, there is ritual. Ritual is the husk of true faith, the beginning of chaos. Therefore the Master concerns himself with the depths and not the surface, with the fruit and not the flower. He has no will of his own. He dwells in reality, and lets all illusions go.
  22. Middle Class Daoism : Bagua vs MMA

    Shaolin temple is located north of Wudang Mountain two different places and schools. Wudang is considered an internal martial art and Taoist. Shaolin is considered an external martial art that has been infused with Buddhism. Both paths lead to the same place. Internal and external combined. Both schools practice hard and soft techniques. The Taoist influence of Buddhism of Shaolin is very apparent. Black tiger cave on Wudang Mountain was a clan from Shaolin back in the day. Today monks from both places travel back and forth and share knowledge.
  23. Exactly, When opposition disperses united as a whole yin and yang reconcile there differences what is left is balance and harmony. There is something where the laws of yin and yang do not apply and it is non physical and silent but always with you no matter how many changes you have during your life time. After life is pure speculation, we do not go there but to know the end we do need to know the beginning. Make life awesome now. everything else follows like a shadow. Taoist seem to be impatient and do not wait to die to join with heaven it just seems like a waste of time. Many invest their time in the perishable world but what ever works for one may not work for another.
  24. Movement and stillness are cycling; Yin and Yang are revolving.Yin turns into Yang, Yang turns into Yin.Without deviation to one side, one is able to obtain the objective Only double cultivation is without deviation. The Gong of innate nature and life-destiny’s are equal in standing. When one’s Skill reaches this point, it means that Yin and Yang face no danger of being inclined to one side, no danger of being out of balance. Therefore there will be no disastrous consequences. Extreme movement and stillness are repeated over and over. Male-female cultivation is a mistake and misinterpretation of the dual cultivation principle and must be criticized here. The bed-chamber arts are therefore side doors, the unorthodox Tao. Believing semen is vitality is a major mistake a crooked path Unite yin and yang then there is balance of eternal movement where is the opposition or duality now?