Wu Ming Jen

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Wu Ming Jen

  1. Why do so few qigong masters radiate vitality?

    Why do so many yoga people not have any martial skill? Tranquility + exercise = yoga and internal arts. There are countless benefits to these methods of exercise. Being lazy and judging others abilities = To scared to do the work for oneself and then complain that someone else can not do the work for them. Oh they all look like shit and and are ruining everything for me, One teacher had a white hair and he is only 68 years old and he had glasses, how can ever learn, I cant learn, I do not want to learn that crap, it is all just garbage and a waste of time...... But this hot chick born beautiful with no need to exercise doing some yoga poses, that totally works for me. I am going to join her class so I can be beautiful like her. She must have amazing skills to look like that wouldn't you say? She is 17 but looks like she could be 21. I went to India and met this amazing Yoga guru he radiated vitality. You are all just wasting your time with that other crap, you do not know what you are missing. Then I learned he was human what a waste of time.
  2. Chinese Folk Religion

    Shang Di. This is the beginning from ancient times. It is fascinating to see how the Chinese have influenced the modern bible as well as invented countless things much earlier then in the west. It is worth some research there are so many links to early western religion. The speculation is did the Chinese influence the west developing their own religions or was it pure coincidence.
  3. when time runs out...

    I would reply but time just ran out.
  4. Practice is Tao and Virtue. They hope that by practicing virtue they will be able to break through the Tao, when they break through the Tao they will become immortal. Because they are so dedicated and devoted, they gain access to stillness. Stillness presents itself to the priests. They don’t need to fight for it, they don’t need to look for it. If we still have something to worry about and things that we want in the material life, then we have not made up our minds to get out of this world yet. And so it is difficult to find the stillness. Stillness is about personal behavior, daily behavior, every day’s virtue in life is to gain access to stillness. The easiest way to have stillness present itself is through virtue. No matter how great the technique, if we are still attached to the material life we will not gain access to stillness. Quality of stillness is equal to the quality of virtue. The higher the level, the more compassionate we can be toward ourselves. There are still emotions and stuff but there is no attachment to the emotions, they don’t go in. The lotus grows in the mud and presents the most beauty. If reading the Tao Te Ching makes you a better person, gives you peace or a sense of stillness or just makes you feel better about the world we live in, showing a better way to live in it, then you are reading correctly.
  5. Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

    Marblehead gave me some PPD before and told me I could say anything I wanted. All I can say is be careful with that kind of power.
  6. Secrets of the Reverted Elixir

    Inside the gate the disciples must hold on to the precepts to cultivate. To chant the scripture, to practice sitting meditation, to refine the elixir, to cultivate the Tao, one must have compassion, protect life, help others, according to the principles of becoming an immortal and attaining the Tao. Therefore there is a great difference between every student’s requirements, study content, aim and purpose. The theoretical foundation of fist, sword and forms are established on the ancient Chinese Yi Jing (Book of Changes), Eight Trigrams, Yin Yang theory. Special Taoist methods and arts are combined with the sparring methods to save one’s life and protect one’s body. Unifying with the universe’s higher powers and with the wisdom of higher dimensions, one attains a strong and healthy body, saves life, subdues demons, and guards the Way and the purpose of cultivating and becoming an immortal. In the past the highest skill of the practice was secretly transmitted inside the religious gate. To this day the treasure of neidan is in the scriptures reserved for Taoist priest. To be proficient physically is a requirement to have the strength to endure the retreats into absolute solitude.
  7. Who really was first?

    I am pretty sure the first things to know gravity were rocks because they could not fly or float. Humans love to theorize about things that just are the way they are. Water sinks and fire rises who was the first person to discover this? Who discovered water?. If we have answers it changes nothing. Conceptualizing things we do not know leads to a lot of trouble like what happens when we die. It all just leads further away from the heart of the matter. Humanity is more important then laying claim to knowledge.
  8. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    I second the motion of what silent thunder has to say. Whatever he says I agree. I will look for his post in this thread and read it so I am well informed so I can vote properly. With a very cool name like silent thunder I think he should be our next president, Just saying
  9. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    You had to go there, You know my weakness when it comes to pie.
  10. The Spirit of the Dao Bums

    Lets get back to that more pie discussion and get this thread in the pit. Trump absolute insane Idiot put in office by absolute insane idiot voters. Majority wins that makes us all look like idiots. If america was not great before we are approaching shitty status now. I love a one sided perspective It is awesome. Just a little taste of American politics before we get back to trump.... I mean more pie.
  11. Central channel or Heart Field?

    Every punch, kick, elbow, bump, split, pull down, punch or push is a gift how do we receive these gifts? Can we neutralize, in the beginning can we listen? Can we follow ,stick, adhere, change direction, change the angle or the time? Well...... whatever, Spotless and Dwai have made me smile and that is very important only to me.
  12. Taoist psychotherapy?

    Taoism is the supreme ultimate psychology as Cary Jung discovered and he applied this to his own practice. True psychotherapy is the act of practicing every day with no ambition to attain anything or reward. It just happens that mentally we become very clear and physically we become very strong without even trying. Not good for professional psychologist, puts them out of business.
  13. Freedom

    If freedom is made by a country that is not actually freedom.The freedom watches are looking in the wrong direction. If interested in freedom one must find that inside themselves. Other is a wonderful distraction and mastered by many. few are willing to even come close to remembering their true freedom.
  14. Central channel or Heart Field?

    “Thoughts about birth-old age-illness-death; Longevity, eternal life, immortality; Realization of the Tao, awakening to the Tao; the thought of unification with the higher self; Abandon all of them!” love is not an emotion if one thinks love comes from the heart one is mistaken. The heart with no discipline is set on the course of death. This is why people get confused about love and if love can change to hate, that is a major misunderstanding. Love follows good times and bad times up and down if one can endure then the true meaning becomes apparent. love conquers all. . Utmost stillness is its chief aim. Return to the void and enter concentration and deep meditation. Wipe out the three heart-minds: the past, the present and the future altogether. Extinguish completely the four appearances: birth-old age- illness and death, the fate of humankind and the four miseries in human life. After having waited for the heart-mind ‘s character to be tranquil and one’s nature being clear and cool, unrestrained, and comfortable, pure and tranquil, clear and still like the heavens, concentrate the Spirit and enter deep meditation. Be absorbed in absent-mindedness long term, not interrupted for one instant. One heart-mind replaces the ten thousand thoughts, count own breath, follow the frequency of the breath exiting and entering, one opening- one closing, one ascending- one descending, It is exactly the mechanism of one inhale and one exhale. Without dreams then the heart-mind is dead and the Spirit is alive. When the heart of the human dies, the heart of the Tao opens and the Spirit will find the path of eternal life and immortality. This is a major event of the Now, right in front of one’s eyes, a very important occurrence. Because the heart-mind is not refined, the spirit is not settled and un-stable. Consequently one’s thoughts will run about disorderly. The luminescence of one’s character, the whiteness within the blackness, is agitated and the power of life is consumed and dispersed. When the intent, thoughts and desires are not extinguished and not refined, then the emotions are un-dying, therefore the root of life-destiny root is not firm.
  15. Every day upon waking up and opening our eyes, we are always looking outwards, seeking outwards and contemplating outwards. We are very rarely contemplating our breath, our heart beat, and the peristaltic movement of our intestines and stomach. If we attempt to look inwards, seek inwards, we are capable of opening a new gate, which will make our thoughts and train of thoughts to be more clear, distinct and sharp, and which will make our physical flesh and organs to be more sturdy, firm and powerful. When we embark on sitting meditation and stillness cultivation many fluids are produced inside our mouths. Compared to other occasions, at this instances our fluids contain multiple times the amount of all kinds of enzymes. This phenomenon can elevate our body’s immunity and greatly assist our well-being. Giving your self the opportunity to meditate has many benefits. there seems to be ten thousand methods but what happens when we become proficient with simple meditation, no method at all is that we become way more aware of things that are happening internally then we can feel the flow of energy and that method is reveled or we observe thoughts and that method is reveled. we understand how breath and mind rest on each other and how thoughts change our breathing or the breath is rough and we use the mind to smooth it all out and that method is reveled.
  16. The Dao Trumps

    There is no need to verify a position with me, it is not politics. If politicians still wore wigs or at least powdered their hair to show their social ranking I might be more interested. The marriage of politics that we have all agreed to be part of and go along with for our owners interest is always for better or worse.
  17. The Dao Trumps

    As long as politics make your life better who could argue that.
  18. Cosmic being

    Far out man, truly cosmic. Scientology might be a good staring point for you at least you get picked up in a spaceship. Imagine a woman not having sex has a baby who can walk on water turn water into mushroom tea and gives everyone bread to eat what kind of family would that be? Ray guns that shoot out from your eyes is a pretty cosmic skill. You just miss your mom her name is the great mother. She can teach you everything. Another name for her is called nature. You have just "alienated" yourself from her. Even with no umbilical cord you are always connected.
  19. The Dao Trumps

    Politics are great for people not satisfied with their own lives. Politics are also great for comedians. Politics are great for making america great again when ever the not great america happened I think it was during the last election. Politics are great for special interest groups and corporations. For the people by the people is a great way of saying look the other way or SQUIRREL!! Politics are a great way to be more interested in money rather then humanity as a whole. Politics are a great way to cut up reality, separate people and focus on self interest. The tao bums having no interest can only laugh and lets it all go. What if England won the war and America was British that would be horrible.Then we would have to talk about parliament how not funny would that be?
  20. Central channel or Heart Field?

    The central channel is not one of the three elixir fields. The central channel has many striking points for martial artist and the thrusting channel for emitting power. the energy anatomy of the human body is described as a combination of a channel, or meridian ( jingluo in Chinese), network; acupuncture points; and several energy fields – the upper, middle and lower dantians When the intent (yi) descends and connects with the heart (xin), a connection is established between the upper and middle dantian; thus, one of the three internal harmonies is created. It is within this particular area that the subtle energy layers of intent, emotions and spirit connect with our physical body. When the heart has imbibed the blood with its powerful and integrated energy field, the blood, by expanding from the heart in all directions to the body’s periphery, carries the mental and spiritual quality of the qi (i.e. the intent and spirit) towards the muscles. In this way, the second internal harmony between the qi and the body’s muscle power (li) is activated. So we can see we are not talking about a meridian or channel above but an energy field. This maybe is why Damo Mitchell is distinguishing channels from elixir fields as it should be..
  21. Concerning Jade

    That explains why these were made with jade.
  22. Yinyang by Robin R. Wang

  23. US Constitution 101

    Now that we have read the US constitution can we now print money interest free or do we still need to buy our money from the world banking system with interest.? Abraham Lincoln and president Kennedy tried it but that did not go over very well with the banking families our "elected politicians" actually work for.. If this sound like another conspiracy theory then.....UFO's and Dragons are in order.
  24. I Ching and the dynamics of complex systems

    The character represent yin and yang together. One Unified whole. we can call them by a different pair but sun and moon is relevant to all living things it changes nothing unless you have a thought on it I would be interested to hear.
  25. I Ching and the dynamics of complex systems

    I read the article. I have been taught by a taoist preist and we have to apply the principles so it is not mental chatter and ineffective. The article seems speculative and grasping at straws for alternative meaning. Maybe this will help with the author of the links confusion. Since the ‘Yi’ reflects the changes of the sun and the moon, the transformations of the universe, and the shifts in the human world, its transformations are limitless and infinite. Although the transformations of the ten thousand things in the universe are without limits and infinite, the universe only possesses the two Yin and Yang talismans, out of which everything is formed and composed.This incorporates the notion that the more complicated a system seems, the more simple are the rules it is based upon. If issues arise, one must search out for the laws that govern the system. Fu Xi found out these rules and regulations. The rules and regulations are ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang Although all matters and substances of this natural world undergo infinite transformations, they all obey to laws. Once humans recognize these kinds of rules and laws, they consequently will be able to adapt and assimilate. They will be able to transform and determine the changes of matters and affairs. However there are some nature governed transformations that seem to be everlasting and permanent, that cannot be altered or modified by human will. People must follow the natural order, and they must not violate the natural rules. ‘Some things necessitate action, others require non-action.’ ‘Still, quiet and unmoving, perceiving, thereupon communing’ Only if one lets go of all original cognition, knowledge and attachments, will one truly be able to naturally communicate and unify with Heaven and Earth, as well as the ten thousand things and the higher dimensions. Only then will one be able to open one’s wisdom and perceive the true meanings of the universe and the ten thousand things. For instance sitting meditation and the cultivation of stillness will enable one to open the three eyes, enlighten one to the truth that common people are not aware of. (