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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Don't take my words for it. Read the Heart Sutra. Is called the two truths...real and not real at the same time. Let me add more. Is not really that complicated. When your conscious thought resides in the state of duality, everything you see, feel, and sense is real. When your conscious thought resides in the state of non-duality.....(ie in sleep, maybe even in dreams, or in the samadhi), what is real becomes not real. It has no ability to grasp your 6 six senses. This is a realization which is made possible only when you have realized certain non-duality state.
  2. LOL LOL...enough to have precognitive visions about the future suffering of mankind. That's enough for me, son. Maybe I should share one of my visions of Israel and, somehow, my engagement in the political discourse in Israeli politics with others....has influenced the Israeli govt. It could be just co-incidence of course.
  3. Oh, CT, you are talking about the spirit of the Buddhist teaching??? What have you accomplished so far relating to this spirit?? I can tell you what I have experienced. It was a dream. I dream of Mexican families being displaced by the Trump presidency. Homes destroyed and emptied out, abandoned. They were all forced to live in shadows and in the underground. As I was told in my dream, all of the families are connected to this underground place. I saw and heard women and infants crying. This place was packed and crowded. I sensed suffering and distress. On the wall, I saw pictures of crying African American children. I was somewhat shocked and horrified of what I saw in this vision. For every single US presidency since Bush and his Iraq war, I had visions of their legacies. I hope I am wrong. Otherwise, millions of Mexican families in America will be displaced by the Trump presidency. That's the Buddhist spirit and to have affinity to human suffering...not an affinity to a fool like Karl.... His ego would have to learn its place in this world and is not my job to save his ass...Let Kali deals with him. Buddhist spirit???? Hehehehe..... Oh dear......
  4. Oh, another thing, he went out insulting the Dharma teaching and yet he has just repeated what the Dharma teaching stated thousands of years ago. And he thought he has discovered something new and enlightening. Absurd!!!!! His ego is filled with so much ignorance that I am afraid this message board and my insults won't do much good for him......
  5. Oh another thing, Karl loves to reduce many of the spiritual and cultivation discussions into about simple, mandate subjects... like rocks and chairs. Are we to become enlightened because we know what a chair is? Can you trigger a kundalini energy rising experience by knowing what a chair is? Absurd!!!!!!! He could start by understanding the 5 human aggregates that are responsible for experiencing SUFFERING and to generate false views in our lives. I am surprised many of you would be willing to entertain him though....
  6. Because some egos needed to be destroyed.... You can ask Kali if you may. I heard that Zen masters are even worst.... Someone like Karl...well...he thinks he could reason his way to enlightenment. We are talking about the spiritual understanding of the cultivation process itself. Yet, he went on arguing about logic this and logic that... That's precisely what the OP original post is stating the opposite. You can't argue with words. You must understand the meaning of its words...through reflective thinking of your life!!!!!!! In a typical karl fashion, he would use a handful of logic jargons in order to write paragraphs after paragraphs about this and that...pretty much repetitive. Sorry I don't fit your description of what a Dharma warrior should be!!!! How Dharma... A Dharma can be named is not Dharma... A Tao can be described is not Tao....
  7. Yawn...nothing new. Buddha said so long ago that everything is Mind. Every phenomena is produced by the Mind alone. Therefore, nothing is real except what is not real is the reality. The reality is that nothing is real and permanent. There, see how simple this is to explain without writing in huge paragraphs without pseudo psychobabble.
  8. We aren't talking about an argument. We are talking about the teaching of Dharma.... The teaching of the dharma is designed to tackle the prejudice of the mind such as yours.
  9. Yawn.....the great Buddha wants you to realize your own enlightenment and liberation without depending on him or without your mind what you perceived as external means to enlightenment. He didn't create puzzles.......LOL LOL Hahahahahahahahahahahaha The Heart Sutra sums it up the essence of the Dharma. Is and is not at the same time because duality arises from non-duality. Sigh....great, you are trying to explain the teaching of Dharma....hehehehe....oh dear.
  10. You mean the Golden Flower in the Taoist internal academy??? Simple? Yeah, sure...just remain in a state of Samadhi for a long time while holding that Pearl light still for months...eventually, the whitish/bluish pearl would turn golden and giving birth to the Golden Flower, the immortal infant/birth... Heheheh.... Most people couldn't even complete the MCO. So, there's not even a pearl to begin with...
  11. Not books but two authors. Frederick Nietzsche and Carl Jung. Nietzsche helped me to break away from question my entire living and social and historical surroundings. Carl Jung validated my experiences. As a result, I broke free from the Matrix, or the system. This gave me the courage to cease the life I was living in for the past 11 years. Then, I had my kundalini energy rising experience....because I have broken away from Forms. Thereby, ceased suffering. And all the knowledge about enlightenment and the Buddhist teaching only came later.... I realized my enlightenment without a teacher or hearing the teaching of the Sutra and Dharma...simply by realizing the 12 dependent origination of suffering in my world and in my life. You can say I was or am following the path of a Pratyeka Buddha or Samyaksam Buddha. I always consider my cultivation realization as a testament of this age...a symptom of this age....
  12. What to do when things go wrong ?

    Yeah, that's about went wrong because it didn't unfold the way the OP planned or deliberately planned. Yeah, is a bitch when that happens.... Oh well....
  13. What to do when things go wrong ?

    Maybe things weren't going wrong but they are unfolding the way they have been caused. And your expectation of them was incorrect due to your own ego/subject interference. Besides, if your own insight assessment is correct, you would have seen the outcomes long ago. I know I a dream message form.
  14. Absolute Self vs. Personal Self

    More than that....we don't choose. Is better to assume a role given with certain life situations, which are many. And to knowing that they aren't real. However, you believe that you can realize the Tao or the Absolute Self through your interactions with this relative, impermanent self. Meaning don't cling on to this impermanent, relative self but would eventually move on when you are done with it.
  15. Absolute Self vs. Personal Self

    Yeah because we, as mortals and still mortals, are still living in this body with respective to its space and time. And our own sense of self is still being influenced by the world we are living in, regardless if you have realized the Tao or the Dharma. Your universal self or the Dharmakaya self can never be manifested in this world, yet, it is everywhere. You can only realize this absolute self through the actions of your own temporal existence in a given life situation. In an experiential level, in dreams, you may begin to see yourself in a mirror but your own reflection may appear different. Or you may find yourself meditating in dreams. Of course, this to assume that the OP knows he or she has an absolute self. I doubt it.....hey, someone claims to know the Tao and the Dharma...yeah, really????
  16. Absolute Self vs. Personal Self

    There is no versus. The absolute self, the Dao, is formless, the dharmakaya. Your identity, your nirmanakaya, is subjected to the condition of time and form...form is formless....formless is form. They are one and the same. They are both needed to realize the Tao. They are forever in a state of flux, ever changing.
  17. You can't be this serious??? Right?? Son, you are talking to someone who has received the Chan mind transmission from a dream and have been on the Dharma path for the past 20 years. You are telling me you are with the Tao because your heart tells you to buy a PS3? Son, you don't have a heart. Your energetic energy has not reached to a point that your heart channel is open and being filled with Chi. Your heart does not talk to you. You are just a kid being attached to toys, fun and games. I am a gamer too and in fact worked in the gaming industry in the past. I have seen little kids losing their minds over games and to the point that making the parents upset. Hehehehe.... They go crazy with games like Pokemon or Yogiho. The older generation kids go crazy with Japanese animes and RPGs. The big kids go crazy with shoot em up stuff and playing soldiers. Oh, I recently built a mid to high end PC to play games like Fallout 4 and Dragon Age Inquisition and some racing sims. Of course, I don't just play games with this PC. I used it to do photography editing work. You have a long ass way to go if you think you know the Tao......
  18. Vegetarianism and the Spiritual Path

    My, such an obvious conclusion. Plants are sentient beings too. LOL LOL LOL.............. Is ok to eat them but not animals??? Is that a wrong view or what? That's karma right there. In another note, I once head a voice in my dream/vision about not eating pork. I have a close affinity to Judaism...I think. However, I am not Jewish. Can not explain why I heard a voice about not eating pork. I eat meat but I don't crave meat. Not a heavy meat eater.
  19. Son, you have just lost me here....
  20. You can also study in various chi gong and tai chi techniques. Personally, I don't practice them because my chi didn't come to me that way. Two, I am a pseudo endurance athlete who is into cycling.
  21. How??? Not so simple. You break through the skandha of form (in the Buddhist teaching, there are 5 skandhas responsible for the human suffering and Form is the first one and the most difficult barrier to break through), you can unleash your Chi naturally without the use of drugs and substances. What is Form? Daily life situations and phenomena making your reality to become your reality...but in reality they are just preconditions you have learned over the course of your life living in this world. You can use this path but the process is long and hard, 10 years maybe. Or you can study under a proven master if you can find one.
  22. Shen/Silence Came First?

    Both....because even silence itself is still conceptual.
  23. And these things are troubling you are eating junk food in McDonald's? Or Walmart stuff is too cheap (I am not complaining about picking up a 5qt Mobil One fully synthetic engine oil for $22). Family Guy???
  24. It exists as subtle Chi. Most people know about the Tao as a philosophy or a teaching because they are trying to grasp it conceptually. You can study or read about Chan Buddhism or go google Dharma and Tao. You would realize it is more than just textual teaching. Is the way how your mind has changed in order to see the world differently. As a result, your body would begin to change and certain energy pathways would begin to open up. You would then experience the Chi. Keep reading the subject and you would eventually understand what you are looking for. Couple of books I would recommend... By Nan Huai-Chin
  25. For the OP, maybe you should question the meaning of "American"...and maybe that's how you start your path???? You did phrase the question in such ways though.