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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. For those who don't know, through various convergence of karma, my Mom's congestive heart failure was literally cured. All the symptoms associated with a heart attack are gone. It was a blessing as well as the work of my spirit guides no less. As a result, I am very defensive about others generating bad karma to my Mom. Few months back, I had another vision seeing my Mom suffering. She was having issues walking. I think I know why. The sister. Apparently, my sister and my brother in law are talking about a divorce. They fight a lot supposedly according to my Mom since she spent sometimes in their Long Island home babysitting my niece and picking her up after school. My brother in law, for some reason, decided to leave. Go away starting tomorrow. As a result, no one would be able to send my niece, their daughter, to school and to pick her up after school. My sister has to go to work early in the morning and could neither send her to school or picking her up. You mean..she couldn't change her schedule??? Screw that... She immediately called my Mom around 10pm just now and asking her to come over so that she could send my niece to school and to pick her up...meanwhile, she could continue to go to work unaffected. Wow......... Was I pissed?? My Mom needs this shit after recovering from a congestive heart failure because she has been blessed and well taken care of by my spirit guides (basically my spirit guides were very involved with her recovery because they told me things and news that I needed to know in order to make decisions concerning about what medications my Mom should take or not). Long story. Oh yeah, my Mom really needs gotta be freaking kidding me...... You see this is where is going, right?? My Mom would eventually replace my brother in law in sending my niece to school and picking her up..for who knows how long. She can't walk fast and for long duration. She can't drive. The walking distance to her school isn't long. Apparently, my sister's mental state is so screwed up right now that she only cares about herself and she only does things that would interest her. She has no regards of anyone else in her family. My vision has indicated her karmic constellation long ago. Is very disturbing.... She and my niece would have a long way to go..sadly, according to my vision. Sigh..... I got to her home with my Mom round 11pm, 2 hours ago. I just told these two to stop getting my Mom involving in their fights. Don't use me and my Mom as leverage. I told them to sort their shits out, including who would send their daughter to school and to pick her up. If my sister needs to change her work schedule to allow her to send her daughter to school and to pick her up, so be it. My sister was trying to get me and my Mom to take her side. I told stop that shit.... I told her I am taking no sides. I told her don't get my Mom involved in their shit. My brother in law decided to stay another night so that my Mom could have her doctor's appointment tomorrow. Could you believe that shit that my Mom has to reschedule her doctor's appointment tomorrow because these two are fighting and my sister needs her to be in Long Island pronto.... Am I pissed??? LOL LOL........
  2. The face doesn't lie

    FYI, the girl was photographed with the sun facing her. The young man was under some shades....there..hehehehe.. I can not read aura. Most of my insights into the individuals are from dream visions.... Look at the Harvey Weinstein...he has grossly uneven eyes...heheheh....
  3. I Ching and Lottery winnings

    Hey.....I was thinking about make a topic about this...since a lot of us have certain special powers..why don't we win the lottery? You don't need I Ching. I Ching is for people not in tune with their own mind essence. The question is that why can't you see or predict when you would win the lottery? I have plenty of dreams about numbers... Trust me, I play the lottery but the most I have ever won was only 2 numbers...LOL... I just spent $4 today because I was in the check cashing place. For someone like myself who frequently would have precognitive dream messages, why don't I receive messages about me winning the lottery???? I dream about counting money (I was a big time store manager for 5 years managing a large retain chain) and I counted a lot of money every night closing. Receiving money and checks. Even in one dream I was guaranteed an inheritance from some deceased old lady (not that I was related to her). Never once I dream about me winning the lottery in a very strong dream message kind of way.... Perhaps, Karma plays a role here??? When comes to wealth, the law Karma works differently???
  4. Ego

    Th Tao self-no-self? Or the Dharma self-no-self? Hehehehehe..... Rereading the OP quote, it appears the author, while shutting down the ego, he ended up talking about having an ego. Hehehehehehhehe...........
  5. Does anyone experience walls popping around them?

    I want to throw this out..hehehehe..........The month I was experiencing a spontaneous kundalini energy rising experience (I was 18 back then), I would hear a loud clicking sound. What was the big deal. Well, this sound triggered my Kundalini energy while I was meditating. I would meditate for 15 minutes without hearing anything. When this sound goes CLICK or TICK, sense heightened and it would trigger my kundalini energy...full blown rising with third eye illuminating with light and fire and heat sensation all over the body. I don't know about you but these sounds are triggered by my meditation. Again, I don't really care and it does not scare me at all.....:) Just saying........
  6. Does anyone experience walls popping around them? the past, it happens all the time when I am meditating. Usually a loud clicking sound or a loud doh sound. Nowadays, is not so much. Depends..... It does not bother me at all. I kind of like it. Is a sign that my mind is exercising its power....
  7. What came first a belief or an experience?

    There are 3 paths to enlightenment according to the Buddhist cosmology. I think is called the 3 vehicles... In THERAVADA AND HINAYANA, you learn about the process to become enlightened by reading, reciting, and studying the Buddhist scriptures. In MAHAYANA, to become liberated and enlightened, you help others to release from suffering. The middle path, is called the Pratyekabuddha....self realized Buddha enlightenment. How? They realize the teaching of the 4 noble truths and 8 fold paths by examining their own lives without to have studied the scriptures==self realized experiences. You ask HOW?? LOL LOL.... There is the Samyaksambuddha.....they took the same path as the Pratyekabuddha but, instead of becoming a hermit and living in mountains, they decide to help others to become liberated.
  8. Where are the Taoist Sages?

    Well....I think this question often comes up. Where to find mentors and gurus??? Such a simple question but it has many implications. Some of us may have been guided by celestial masters regardless of where you are and where you are from. How is this happened? Karma ripened at the right time, right place, and the right condition. Unfortunately, it does not often happen to everyone. That's the reality. Is easier for some of us to say that don't worry, sages and immortals would come and visit you if you follow the right path and to achieve the necessary cultivation accomplishment. The odds are that it won't happen. Master Nan Huai Chin once said it is like a blind cat catching a dead mouse......... Then, again, we aren't talking about democracy or socialism..hehehehe... Sages for everyone. Taoist immortals for everyone.. Then, again, the path isn't always almost impossible. Oh yeah........if one can not answer why he or she needs to seek sages and Taoist immortals, why there are needs to seek them??? If the Tao is eternal and everywhere and nowhere at the same time, like the Dharmakaya, and Taoist immortals are one with the Tao, why there are needs to seek them??? They are already here....
  9. Unfair Karma

    Yeah...we should stay away from associating wealth and materialism to being a good karma vs being poor and poverty. You can be poor but managing to live a sustainable life style and with little to no illness. You live a good life...and to die in a peaceful way with little suffering.
  10. Where are the Taoist Sages?

    Could you imagine that you finally make the trip to see this living sage and he or she (it could be a she) asks you this question back, "where are the sages?" How would you answer him or her?? He or she may just turn you away if you can't answer the question the "correct" the spirit of the Tao. If one really understands and to take the Tao concept seriously, there is really no points in seeking a living sage.
  11. Where are the Taoist Sages?

    That question itself is an oxymoron....Taoist sages and immortals are everywhere and nowhere at the same time....
  12. Ego

    No, I really don't know....:)
  13. Ego

    Nah..I think the ego is synonymous to the little "I." The little self identity people hold dear to because they need protection. Not the universal Self that knows no boundaries, neither in time and space.
  14. Ego

    Let's face it....there is nothing inside our mind that said EGO on it. Is solely condition based....Is definitely goal I have to become this at certain age and I have to have this now...and etc.
  15. Ego

    We can use the Freudian paradigm that the ego is psychic energy entity designed to seek sexual gratifications directly if not in a subliminal way. In the Jungian paradigm, ego is the god head (god is living inside your head instead of in your heart) more of a social construct. I would assume a person with a big ego would have a greater social following. Or to be well respected in its social surrounding... I think the ego is nothing more than seeing and acting in the world based on what you are personally emotionally attached too. Is about attachment...and extremely focused and narrowed...goal oriented.... Like people acting on a feel good concept but not be able to really think it through.
  16. Ego

    Yea but do you know what is exactly an ego???? Where it comes from? How it is formed? When the ego is think and acting, what exactly it is doing? Is kind of hard to discern it when you are still thinking with and by the ego....:)
  17. Mantak Chia - Looking For A Clear Picture

    I read his Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao. This was when I have already awakened my Kundalini energy years ago. I was wondering why I could not get my kundalini energy to arouse up again. There are reasons which are beyond here. Anyway, the first time I followed his instructions, I managed to complete the MCO. The sensation was very strong. Then, on the third and fourth days, it wasn't doing anything. Conceptually, he wrote them simple enough to give you some general ideas and framework to conceptualize your MCO energy pathways. His other works are too overly complicated and to the point being useless....... The best approach for me to complete the MCO and to generate my Chi is just being mindfulness and to rest my mind on my various chakras locations. The key here is being even better when you can complete the MCO in your sleep...through your dreams....hehehehe
  18. Yeah.....that's about right. The first time the I or your true SELF emerges BECAUSE the energy has been withdrawn from outward into inward. You literally feel, for the first time, there is something inside that exists for a long time...the Self. Is not conceptual but you literally would feel there is a consciousness or a separate mind that resides inside you and to see the world from there....from its perspective. Previously, you view the world based on what you are attached to.
  19. extremely pronounced, loud, and overpowering WHENEVER the Kundalini energy becomes active ESPECIALLY when it comes on during sleep...unexpected..accompanied by involuntary vibrations and osculation in any particular chakra points. They only become a background sounds only when you are awake. They change to different frequency depending on which chakras are active in any given point in your life. At times, the sounds are so loud you can't really sleep. They sound like bees buzzing, snaking hissing, low tone humming, and Buddhist monks hitting the wooden block....
  20. Ah...the sound aspect of the Kundalini is interesting...hearing the inner sound of your own chakras. Yes....this sound is very noticeably strong within the experience itself. Outside of it, you can hear them in your mind and mental various frequencies reflecting which chakras. With tinnitus, you only have one sound. In a kundalini awakening, one can hear multiple of them all at once.
  21. Is the context of this awakening...lay persons think awakening means some sorts of will driven mind consciousness power. Or they thought they are awakened because they read some books....LOL LOL They fell awakened because they fell smarter...LOL LOL........ Within the path, in the Taoist and Buddhist teaching, awakening means realizing the path to the Dharma teaching. To realize the impermanent and Taoist nature of our attachment.
  22. I thought I pass this along......
  23. Based on my experience, you need to penetrate Form at least....You must successfully relinquish your attachment to some degree. I am referring to your immediate attachment and assuming they are bothering you and you are suffering from them. Physically, you have to be largely "clean" since the Kundalini energy can worsen your physical condition if you aren't physically well. The energy is like putting yourself on fire and letting it burn...burn all karma away...hehehehe. It gets HOT to the point that you would be sweating. The experience is frightening as well and it just comes on you very quickly. The worst that could happen is that the energy can damage your nervous system and making you to experience a psychosis. Remember this...Kundalini energy rising experience is often being TRIGGERED by intense, prolonged mental trauma experienced by your mind. Ideally, yes, the process should be guided by a guru BUT most people goes through the experience in a spontaneous way as long as the condition is met. Others would use drugs to induce the experience but........can't say it is the same........
  24. Subtle body energy being awakened but only falls within the first stage of jhana.... would quickly realize that you would develop the necessary pathways to defuse the energy the point that you could no longer feel like you are being struck by lighting....I am speaking from experience of course. No drug use fyi. Is almost like the MCO but in a more intense way and somewhat having the mind of its own at first. FYI, the origin of this energy comes from the root chakra and making its way up to the crown. The energy is unrefined and I believe is only one does not make a loop back down to your lower dan tian...
  25. Connecting with Deities

    Hehehehehehe........ Those eyes....those were the same eyes I saw when I thought I saw a Kwan Yin like face a while ago...:)