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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    I tend not to get too detailed with my visions and dreams. I will try to be short. Oh, is Tara, not Tetra. I often asked for dream interpretations over at the ATS board. Here, it has more to do with the method of cultivation. Originally, I thought she was Vishnu but from her holding a pair of scissors, she turned out to be Tara. In this dream, I did feel a sense of motherly love from her. It was her love for me that she cut the blanket over my head. So that I could see....However, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to see. To see what? This could have many interpretations. Maybe I am supposed to see into nothing. I have been expecting to see something in my life. Also, looking into the goddess of Kali. She is the destroyer of the ego of the tenth degree. She would have no problems belittling you and me if she wants to. So, one should keep their ego in check.
  2. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Are you using any sort of drugs? If so, stop. I bet you won't attract as many aimless spirits as a result.
  3. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    I wasn't the one who took drugs to experience my first kundalini energy rising.. wink wink. Seriously, you are the one who is advocating the use of drugs to experience any sense of spirituality. Now, you are saying, as someone who didn't accumulate merits to have the spirituality door be open to him or her and resorting to the use of drugs, that gives you the ability to negotiate with gods. You don't even have the merits. Now, the gods want something from you too. Aren't your ego is way getting into ways of things???
  4. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    No, I didn't see Kawun yuim. I was interacting with her more primordial Hindu form, Tetra. Apparently, these primordial Hindu goddesses are very...hmmm....less refined looking. 4 arms or more with scissors and male heads hanging.....hehehehe Let's say that they aren't afraid to speak their minds, considering that these deities have been worshiped for thousands and thousands of years. What is you in this life time? A simple dust particle within their universe. One is truly blessed to have them appeared before you in one's life time. What? To negotiate and to barter with them? Nonsense.
  5. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Don't tell me you regularly converse with Christ and Buddha.... First, I had a dream of having sex with Kali and she told me something...instructions. That was it. I never saw her again. Second, I saw Tatra (in Buddhism she is Kuan yuim), Kali counter-part, who was cutting a blanket over my head in order for me to see. I was crying in the process because I was afraid to see but not sure what. That was it. I saw her no more. Third, a talking stature head in clear blue of Arminius burst out from some sand dune on the ground. The whole sky and the ground cracked open and turned red. I fell to the ground and in some sort of terror, looking up at this massive giant. Here, he smiled at me and give me a sword because he said that I deserved it because of my innate ability to grasp and gain knowledge without external aids. I saw it once and that was it. Here, I knew nothing of these deities until I saw them in my dreams and did some research on them. How can you even negotiate with these ancient, mythological spirit beings??? Talk to them for more than once? What's matter? You didn't get the message the first time?
  6. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Maybe on the more personal spirit guide like your deceased relatives and close friends. A deity? Doubt it. You may only see them once, if you are lucky.
  7. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Actually, the OP is sounding logical here and trying to negotiate with the spirit. Or to barter for time like you said. What conditions you have to begin with that gives you the ability to barter with a spirit??? It is almost like the OP is talking to his boss or his father. What the OP is doing makes no sense "from the standpoint of the spirit." I have already said that you, a mere mortal, can't not comprehend what the spirit knows. Therefore, you can't negotiate or barter with the spirit. You have to do what you have been called to. I believe this is called "faith." Faith in yourself and the spirit being.
  8. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    But if you aren't ready, why in the world the spirit is constantly harassing you to join the path? It makes no sense.
  9. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Here it goes. I don't want to sound blunt but you sound like you are telling what the spirit should do and not to do. I mean, seriously, can you even have the power to instruct the spirit? It is almost like the spirit is begging you to walk the path. Well, for me, I don't believe you have a choice when you have been called. The spirit has a higher consciousness than you and they know things and paths that you don't. They are preparing a future for you in which you can't comprehend with your current consciousness. You just have to surrender yourself to them when you are called. Here, this is when your original nature plays a crucial role in your quest. If you have the "stuff," you will survive this quest unharmed and would become a greater person. If not, harms will follow you. Is so simple.
  10. Bumps on the Cultivation Path

    Hmmm....from what I understand, past life karma isn't all bad if in your past life, the moment of your death, you have a sudden moral realignment. A sudden moral insight into the nature of your previous existence. Then, the negative effect of your past life karma would be lessened. Why do you think your recent past life of a German soldier is exerting the karmic influence on your current life? Do you have dreams and memories about the past, or the German past? Have you witnessed yourself being killed? Perhaps, with your upbringing and people surrounding you, you may have developed certain "attachment" to the past? Sorry to be blunt but if your past life is exerting some form of karmic influence on you, you should realize that being a soldier you have taken lives. You have killed. Maybe even to have engaged in sexual assault on your enemies. You won't be just dealing with sexual deviants. The greatest karmic force is to have taken lives of sentient beings. From what I read, one recurrent symbol you would find in your dreams is seeing blood on your hands. Another is obviously witnessing yourself being killed, the moment you may have a sudden moral insight or realignment. And the moment you refuse to die. And you should have memories of these because they were the reasons why you have been reborn again in this life. Here are some audio lectures from Bhikkhu Bodhi and he talks about karma and rebirth.
  11. Cleansing/Healing the Belly

    But what is the point anyway in revealing your real name on a message board that talks about the Tao and Enlightenment. The path that leads to the death of the ego... What is a name after all? I am not sure I even have a real name at all....even my real name isn't really my real name, you know....
  12. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Interesting read about drug use and spiritual enlightenment.....
  13. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Were they on "pills?" Is more like "visionary wisdom." In some cases, personally, I have one supernatural encounter. I think my spirit guide (could be my past life self) appeared by my bedside while I was partially asleep and awakened. I just saw this young man standing by my bedside with a radiant golden glow. I was literally having this vision and experience in my room. He didn't say much but he showed me wisdom. After he was done, I woke up and freaked out somewhat.
  14. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Here is a test. When the third eye is open, it would reveal to you about the nature of your suffering, in relation to your social surrounding. You may adapt different identities as a result because you are no longer seeing yourself as your previous socially conditioned old self. You are adapting a different world perspectives (could be historical from different times and cultures or human races) to see the world around you. This will cause certain sacrifice on your part. Why? Because you are no longer the same person the world is expecting you to behave. That's why. Now, the pill you are taking should reveal to you on the nature of your suffering and the means to tackle them. I hope it does. It does not, the pill isn't working. And you aren't on the path to the Tao. I hope you don't end up in believing in aliens and some spaceship coming to rescue you from your suffering.
  15. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Reversing cause and effect...per Master Nan. Meaning that instead of accumulate merits to have the door to spirituality be open to you, by using drugs, the effect of spirituality becomes your cause. In standard normal cultivation process, your spirituality is the result of your cultivation and merits. In the "pill" culture, having spiritual experience is the cause instead. The cause to what?
  16. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Madness, comparing coffee to LSD..... Or tea to LSD since Master Nan drinks tea. In fact, I take Korean Red Ginseng supplement. Oh, is that same as LSD...????
  17. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    I am curious to know too. Basically, he claims that the Tao or the path to Enlightenment has a too high of a moral demand from the individuals. As a result, the path is NEVER realizable. Hahahaha..... Well, I am actually walking this path. So, for him drug usages are the easier way....the great equalizer. However, the drug induced spiritual enlightenment would only render the mind to become detached from his or her world, without putting the merits to solve and see through his or her own problems. That the problems are generated and created by the illusions of the world we are living in. If the individual puts the merits in seeing the nature of his or her suffering in relation to his or her world, the spiritual enlightenment would be extremely liberating in a historical proportion. Not because he or she has become detached from the world. He or she has overcome his or her illusionary world. Like a hero who has defeated his nemesis. His or her enlightenment would basically make him or her a revolutionary. After all, he or she has pierced though the smoke behind the social establishment of his or her social surrounding. Of course, if your enlightenment is induced by drugs, your mind would simply go on to a little field trip.
  18. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Why it is naive?? Ridiculous. I had my kundalini energy rising when I was 18. No drugs used or whatsoever. Just being skillfully mindful and be very diligent in my actions, thoughts, and deeds. Constantly questioning about myself, who I am, why I am here, and what is happening to me, for the past 10+ years. That's right, 10 years. The door was open to me. In fact, the door IS opening to me now, even in my late 30s. I still don't do drugs. Maybe occasional beer and some coffee. I still have no problems completing the microcosmic orbit and circulating my chi. Also, was your kundalini energy rising at a very young age induced by drugs??? I wonder what Master Nan would say if one of his students is using drugs to meditate. I bet he would say "ridiculous." Oh, I bet America would have tons of Masters by now since during the 60s drug usages were very widespread.
  19. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    I disagree. Not the same path, not even the same goal. Merits play a huge part in the cultivation process. If you don't have enough merits, certain spiritual experiences would not be available to you. Using drugs as a equalizer would produce different results. Let's face this, what is the difference between someone who has endured much in life in order to accumulate enough merits to have the door to spirituality be opened to him or her, versus, some dude popping some pills and to get a free ride? One has enough merits and other does not.... FYI, you can take all the drugs you want but don't say no one warns you. Remember, merits......
  20. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    You are in a way correct, that food and drinks you consume during the day would inhibit your chi cultivation process. I know because my night time meditation would often produce less meditation results (completing the microcosmic orbit with a good health of warm chi) than in the morning. At night, I could meditate for over an hour and could barely feel the chi. In the morning, after waking up, within 25 minutes, I would experience multiple microcosmic orbits. I guess, over the course of my sleep, my body is cleansing itself. In fact, I often felt a sense of extreme hunger in the morning. So great that I dream of being hungry in my dreams.
  21. enlightenment in N. Korea?

    I am sure there are masters there but there are little reports of protests and even exiles of these masters. If you are enlightened, don't you feel a sense that you should help the nation to improve its living condition? Perhaps, to help to tone down the war talks?
  22. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Hmm....drugs? Seriously, can Chi and drugs mixed? Think about it. The purpose of the Chi is to cleanse your system. Somehow, you are introducing drugs into your system in order to guide your Chi. Would this be called the dirty Chi??? Or Chi without directions?
  23. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Well, don't get too caught up by the colors of the light because that's not the real essence of the third eye. The essence of the third eye is to allow you to see, feel, dream, and think beyond yourself. In both good and bad situations. One night you may be encountering some spiritual being and the next night you may find yourself dealing with a whole new moral issue. Issues that you haven't thought or encountered before. For an example, witnessing yourself killed in a battlefield (possibility how you died with your past life self). Or locked up in a prison with some inmates calling you "brother." Like, how did you end up in a prison? You need a proper grounding to deal with what the third eye can reveal to you. Otherwise, you will lose it. Mime was opened the same night I had my Kundalini energy rising, at 18. In my late 30s right now. The color hasn't changed much, white/bluish. This light is the color of the Chi energy. The light itself isn't the actual third eye. 99% of the time I see this light only when my chi is circulating in my body. The only thing I am regretting is that my third eye does not exhibit its power when I am awakened. Shame... Only during meditation (seeing flashes of beings--people faces, monks, and recently female faces--and animal eyes in the past too). And in my dreams.
  24. Testicles hurt when focusing on dantian

    Well, according to Master Chia, that's the method I am familiar with, the flow of the chi goes from your dan tian, to your lower genital region. Then, to the tip of your vertebrate. Lower back, opposite of your dan tian. Then, to the back of your head. To the crown. To the third eye. To the throat. To the heart. And back to the dan tian. The path or channel can move naturally once you have developed the energy in your dan tian. I say you should just let the energy to flow and to complete the microcosmic orbit. Your whole body should feel warm or hot warm if the energy is circulating naturally and properly. Otherwise, you may experience chi blockage.
  25. Looking for that documentary...

    I like the ones with PBS and Bill Moyer. Nothing over the top but purely from the medical standpoint.