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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Well, I am having similar situation. Kind of. My grandmother on my father side is recently diagnosed with cancer. She is in her 86. She was never a kind person. She has caused many great karmas in her life time. When I do see her, which is rarely, I have to put up a wall in front of me so that her karmas does not affect me. We, my family, aren't that close to her. She does not have a lot of times to live. I am hoping she would make peace with herself at one point. Not with me but at least with those she hurts in her life time. In another notes, my grand mother on my mother side, of who I have attachment too, she began to practice Buddhism after she was diagnosed with a serious stage of diabete. She passed away in her 60s. I dream of her many times and I hope in her next life she would be reborn again and living in a more better social situation. She was brought up during the Japanese occupation in Hong Kong, during WWII. As a little girl, she used to constantly seeing dead bodies on the streets. That what she used to tell us. In your case, are you attached to this person in anyway. Is there a good reason for you to become attached to them. If not, don't cling on that feeling. Just let them be. If the prospect of dying isn't enough incentives to reflect and to re-evaluate one's life habits, these people are hopeless. The only thing you can do is to hope that there is some slight wisdom in them to see that it is bad karma to die without changing one's life bad habits.
  2. circular breathing and anapana

    Just to point out, the purpose here is to slow your breath as much as possible, to the point of not breathing. Hence, your thoughts would stop. You can then reach to samadhi. What matters how you breathe anyway since the breath must stop at one point.
  3. This is an inherent problem with our world. Our world is often short of teachers or qualified spiritual teachers. "Potential apprentices" are often having to find their paths themselves. I am considered as one and lucky enough the natural process of cultivation has gotten me this far to realize I would need additional help. Others hear about it but don't have the natural gift. They know no known teachers or living in the wrong countries. All they have are books and videos about the new age stuff. And the internet.
  4. Do you practice at midnight?

    Most of the times, I go to bed late, around 11 pm or 12 am. The problem is usually that I would be busy with the computer and message boards. And my mind won't be mindful enough to meditate. I meditate before I go to bed but it is usually not as productive. Now, however, I wake up around 4 am to 5 am every morning, either because I have to go to the bathroom or from a dream. Usually, at this time, my dream is ridiculously lucid. My chi channels would become extremely active, hot feeling in body from the head to toes, intense chakras vibrations which I could hear internally, and seeing the chi pearl with my third eye.
  5. Secrets of the chi and the spine

    The chi will not fill up your body unless you manage to empty your mind and to focus on your breathing. With all these bible talks, it isn't happening.... It appears you are clinging onto the bible. Again, another sign of "issues" you have.
  6. Well, I started out following Master Chia meditation techniques but I think I am out growing them. I used to clap my hands and rest effortlessly by my dan tien. I have been trying to use different hand positions such as resting my hands on my knees with legs crossed. I felt something was open up.
  7. Hand positions during meditation....

    Oh, last night I was using this mudra: It was the most natural for me. I really didn't know anything about mudras. Within minutes, I was in certain degree of samadhi. It was so quick I was surprised. I didn't see the light of the yang energy moving or rotating but the yin. The pitch black sensation felt 3d like. Almost like I was looking at the space, some vast field of dark matter. My chi was moving all over my body of course. I was practicing the white skeleton meditation as well. It was an interesting experience since my night time meditation was never that fruitful. Only my morning one are much, much more better and productive. I am hoping there is one I could use that would allow my hands to rest easily without much bodily effort since I would like to meditate longer, like at least 1 hour.
  8. Secrets of the chi and the spine

    Too much stuff is going in the mind. Letting them go. If this mark is causing problem, I couldn't imagine what would happen if your mind enters into the mind ground and begin to see your past life karma. Your past life karma would make your "mark of the beast" angelic...
  9. This number has been bothering me. Why? I became aware of this number because I woke up from a dream in which I was in a public bathroom and about to take a shower. There was supposed to be a woman in there. When I checked, she was gone. Then, this man, an European man, put up his 4 fingers before me. Ever since that dream, I have been seeing this number everywhere, in my dreams and my work. The number usually associates with the color black (yin), homosexuality (I am not gay and have no problems with people being gay). I have done some work for a gay organization, which in hindsight I really enjoyed helping them. And this early morning, I have a dream in which I was in a subway. I then realized that I was on a number 4 train. In Chinese superstition, number 4 means death. What is death in Tao and the teaching of the Dharma? Just another impermanence.
  10. Of course not... There are enough favorable meanings on the number 4 to out weight the superstitious of it.
  11. Ok, I will try to pay close to attention if the number 4 is associated with the Tao or the teaching of the Dharma... One thing I read about is that a person who is stuck in his life, he tends to see and dream about the number 4 a lot. Yeah, I am stuck in my life. More like trying to make sense with my cultivation path and making good use of my fruits in this world. So far, I am not able to make the connection.
  12. Hahahaha....I don't know. Does it mean I would die soon? I thought one of the hall mark of a highly cultivated person is the ability to predict one's death.... Oh well.....
  13. Hmmm...actually, one shouldn't undergo the fusion of the 5 elements until you have mastered the micro cosmic orbit, according to Master Chia. Sure, there is a pearl. It exists as energy of light in the color of white/blue. It moves. It spins. It rotates. Yes, is there. In the fusion of the 5 elements, you try to move this energy of light to various organs. Personally, I don't like the whole spinning thing. Worst, visualization four ba guas and to have them spinning. That sounds so complicated. The chi or the pearl energy isn't some new age thing. Is a energy you can only see with your third eye. Is there. If that's not enough, the appearance of this pearl light accompanied by the jing energy in the form of heat throughout your body.
  14. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Sad.....very sad.......
  15. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    I don't care about crime statistic. I care about the rights of women, specially Indian women. Yeah, there are hopes in your country with people like you having an enlightened mind. BTW, your heart chakra has not been opened because you don't have compassion for Indian women.....
  16. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Listen buddy, you are diverging the attention of your birth country to America. I don't care about America in general since I was not born in America. I said it again, America is a developed nation. Women have more rights than in another parts of the world, period. Are you an idiot since you seem to have a lot of book knowledge in Hinduism and Buddhism.
  17. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    What??? It is all over the news, all over the world. It got so bad that tourism in India went down. Mass protest across the country. Are you really living in India??? Stop watching Bollywood....
  18. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    I guess that makes it ok to what happened in India???? Worst, after that deadly assault, another assault took place with 5 men. Then, same incidence happened again with a Swiss tourist. Do you have a clue??? Dude, I am not defending America but women in America at least have more rights similar to the rest of the developed nations. They don't have to worry about the bus driver and his buddies sexually assaulting them.
  19. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    I thought the recent events in India (I don't want even to write it since the crimes are so gruesome) should make it obvious that India women ARE treated as inferior. What amazed me is that this is the country where Kali was once worshiped. Somehow, India women deserve no respects.
  20. how to develop visualization ?

    Yeah and one said cultivation is easy. Don't even use the word visualization. That's a clumsy way to explain visual thoughts arising from some objective truth because your mind can see and connect to the origin of human consciousness..... the One Mind. Knowledge comes to you because your mind can see the path of causality or dependent originations.
  21. how to develop visualization ?

    Don't forget the 5 skandhas. They are sticky and clinging. To uncling them. To let the 5 hinderance subsided. Samadha would come. Clear thoughts and clear visions appear. Vision becomes reality with an objective truth.
  22. Arhats....

    Yeah, yeah, that's right. Heheh...sigh...
  23. Arhats....

    Because I don't feel like typing up paragraphs. Two, the book was first published in English during 2004. Maybe even earlier in Chinese,. Whatever he wrote or said, they have been read and understood for over a decade. It has become an accepted knowledge. Therefore, why am I needing to "prove" to you in what he wrote? Maybe you should read his books if you are so interested......
  24. Arhats....

    So, you are telling me I am lying me out here.... ? Don't be silly. I can see our little discussions aren't going anywhere because you and I aren't reading the same book. Or sharing the same knowledge or understanding....
  25. Arhats.... sounded very offended. From what experiences and authority you have to say that you know the dhrama to become a Buddha....