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Everything posted by ChiForce

  1. Actually, a real Buddhist would realize that even without religions, the human mind in general would still be subjected to the illusions of the 5 senses.
  2. Simple. Begin first with yourself. Than, the country you are living in. After all, you are liberated from your surrounding first. Don't be silly and being an armchair rebel talking about overthrowing a system or a way of life in another country which is different than your own. You always begin with your own surrounding first.
  3. The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

    I am a big Matrix fan. You can literally read off many of the Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism teachings in there. For examples, Neo wasn't the first but the 7th incarnation. What one may think one has been liberated and achieved or obtained are still part of the even more higher consciousness. You are still the creation of another mind. Still not liberated. You are still the product of the Matrix. Obviously, Matrix is the samsara. I just want to point out that Buddha didn't write the movie. It was not depicted in any of the sutras. So, one must be careful not to read too much into it and falling victims to the new age stuff.
  4. Yeah, getting laid would help and why no one thinks that you are trolling......
  5. Sure, go ahead and why we need to know this????
  6. I think he is just trolling.... Losing the will to live because one can't be rich or having a beautiful wife, or whatever material things he wishes to acquire...
  7. Hate to break this you but even your death won't free your mind. You haven't overcome the 5 skandhas and to achieve some degree of samdhi and jhanas.. In fact, they have overcome you. As a result, your death would lead to another rebirth, of another more miserable life. You think death is an easy way out of the cycle of life and death??? Think again. Your mind is forever trapped either you are alive or dead. Have fun.....
  8. Hmmm..somehow I can't take you seriously because, all of a sudden, you realize that materialism isn't the end of all. Are you some rich kid living in a mansion and surrounded by things, money, and beautiful women? If not, why are you surprised that materialism isn't the end of all? Hate to break this to you but having a lot of money, having a beautiful wife, and having the latest electronic gadgets do not make you a god....
  9. I got spooked the other night.

    Did you experience them physically or in some astral dream state???
  10. Motivation

    I guess it would mean when yin energy is abundance, yang energy will rise. That's your motivation. The cause for change.
  11. A simple question on the human soul

    Seeing is over-rated. Seeing is part of the 6 consciousness. Therefore, it can be deceiving. Now, if you are talking about seeing the soul with your third eye, well, that's above your ordinary sight induced consciousness.
  12. A simple question on the human soul

    Hhehehe...that's because look is form. Form is inherently empty. It has meaning only by our conscious thoughts. If a soul is a form based creation, then, it can look like anything.
  13. is it possible to see chi?

    No thanks. I see plenty of my chi when I meditate, during my microcosmic orbit. As master Nan would say, when your chi channels are open, you can see light when your eyes are close.
  14. is it possible to see chi?

    It is different because cultivating the chi channels isn't easy. I mean, if you can cultivate your chi channels, you are already half way to enlightenment. We all know most people couldn't reach the first, initial path to Tao. So, definitely, cultivating your chi channels isn't anything like sewing or cooking or computer programming. I am pretty sure of that.
  15. is it possible to see chi?

    Which would require refining and retaining your jing energy and to transform it into spirit energy. How? Meditation and cultivation. According to Master Nan, it would take a person 10 years at least to accomplish it if unhindered.
  16. is it possible to see chi?

    There is a difference between chi, being the fundamental nature of the universe, versus if one can see it. Is like gravity. We all know gravity exist. Can you see gravity? Is like saying all sentient beings have the Buddha nature but can all sentient beings reach enlightenment? Of course not.
  17. is it possible to see chi?

    The question is that can your mind sees all.... There are 3 forms of chi energy. The base form is your jing, your reproductive fluid. The highest form of chi is the shen spirit. Frankly, without your third eye, you aren't going to see them, internally and externally.
  18. is it possible to see chi?

    Ok, ok, what is aura? And different color auras are supposed to represent something? If so, why going through all the troubles trying to see the aura when you can just "know" what it is, such as one's personality and etc.
  19. Solitude is important

    Heheheeh...are you really alone if you have your thoughts with you???
  20. is it possible to see chi?

    Not in a direct way, same as we can't see electromagnetic waves with your plain eyesight. Chi is a consciousness energy. Energy with an intent. Usually, cultivators and people following the path of the Tao see and experience the chi energy in the form of white light as well as warm and cold sensations, during meditation. Don't underestimate the power of Chi because Chi is the only force that can transform your body (making your body healthier) in order for you to reach enlightenment. Enlightenment isn't just about the mind only. It is both the mind and body.
  21. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    I remember something like that.....
  22. Who Am I?! I Am Who!

    What is truth???? It is truth only it supports you? Well, than, this truth is dependent on its function and whether not it supports you. You are scaring me here and all these talks about the truth...sounds new age too me....
  23. Who Am I?! I Am Who!

    May try to sit cross-legged for 1 to 2 hours first. It may take some time since your joints aren't flexible enough. Two, your chi can't get to your legs and so you would experience discomfort. Full lotus? Yeah, that's another level. To kill your ego, I would suggesting examining the 5 skandhas of one's social surrounding. From my experiences, one has to break through the forms. Stop clinging onto forms. This may take years if not a decade. Hmm....transforming the body. Well, if the mind hasn't been transformed, you can't transformed the body. Hmm...yeah, this may require reaching to various levels of jhanas or samadhi. If the mind hasn't been emptied, samadhi won't happen. Therefore, no super powers for you. Transforming the jing energy to Shen chi may take decades though. For the original poster, the path is hard, is dangerous, and is long. If you know too much, you would get overwhelmed and may ended up seeking shortcuts (ie drugs, new age methods, and etc). It is better to let things happen naturally. Once you are on the right path, the initial path, things get easier in a way.
  24. IE

    Hmm...what if you were a stream enterer in your previous life and now a returner??? Of course, you don't remember it. Does it mean you have to become a stream enterer again? How does this work on an experiential level??? I assume not but your level of your illumination penetration "should be" more greater and this life.
  25. IE

    Let me take a stab in this. To become a stream enterer, I believe one must first experience the first stage of samadhi. What is the first stage of samadhi? The ability to see the true fundamental nature of forms, which are impermanence. The fundamental nature of forms is so happened to be the first skandha. In reality, the 5 skandhas do mix in with one another. What does it mean in the real world? Can you identify the first skandha in the real world? I am not talking about if an apple is actually an apple. It could be an apple if it is your desire to liberate yourself from the apple. Those evil apples. Obviously, I am talking about something more urgent and socially collective. For me, as a Chinese American living in America for over 20 years, it was racist stereotypes of all forms. Think about it, the social status stratification of the American society for the past 300 years have been based on the color of your skin. This was done legally and institutionalized. The color of your skin??? You can't get any more skandha of form then this. What if I have a dark tan? Does my social statue change? Hahahah... Now, your sense of self has to be consumed by the skandha of form. To know it enough that you can see its fundamental nature which is originally empty. I believe that was how I reached my first stage of Samadhi when I was 18. It was a liberating feeling. The side effect is that I have no love for America in general. Why should I continue to cling onto a civilization that worships the skandha of forms and to subject myself in the continuous cycle of death and rebirth???